customer_field DB Table
  Last Edited - 06/11/2010 11:34am PDT
  Category Path - Developer's Guide > Database Structure
This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 customer_field database table.

  • id
    Primary Key of the table.
    int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
  • display_order
    Determines the order in which the field is listed on-screen in the Customer Editor and other places.
    int(10) | unsigned | indexed
  • title
    Descriptive title of the field. This will be displayed with the field in any form in which the field is included.
  • description
    Description of the field. This will be displayed with the field in any form in which the field is included. It is a good place to include instructions.
  • input_type
    The type of field, typically: text, dropdown, list_single, list_multi, radio. ("text_single" and "text_multi" will no longer need to be specified by the user. These are replaced by the "text" option. If a text field is set to have more than 1 line, the system will automatically change it to a "text_multi" field when it is displayed on a web page.)
  • notes
    Information about the field. Only viewable within the administration area.
  • active
    The field's active status. Inactive fields are not displayed on any page that they otherwise would be.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 1 | indexed
  • is_unique
    Whether or not the value of the field must be unique. If greater than zero, then no other entry for this same field will be allowed to have the same value.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0
  • num_lines
    The number of lines that a multi-line text field will contain. Only applicable if the type is a text field. If set to "1", then the text field will automatically display it as a single-line "text" input field instead of a multi-line "textarea" input field.
    int(10) | unsigned
  • required
    Whether or not the field may be left blank or be submitted with an empty value.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0
  • strict
    If the field's value is greater than zero, then only letters, numbers and underscores will be allowed in the value of the submitted field.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0
  • encrypt
    If set to a value greater than zero, then the value of the submitted field will be encrypted prior to being saved in the database. Note that encrypted fields cannot be searched by the search tools in the administration or storefront areas.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0
  • internal_only
    If set to a value greater than zero, then the value of the submitted field will not be displayed outside of the store's Administration area.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
  • include_in_email
    If set to a value greater than zero, then the value of the submitted field will be included in any email correspondence generated by the software that includes information about the customer account.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
  • maxlength
    Determines the maximum number of characters that may be entered into single-line text fields.
    int(10) | unsigned
  • default_value
    The default value for this custom field.
    varchar(255) | indexed


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