U.S.P.S. Integration
  Last Edited - 12/24/2012 8:37am PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > 3rd Party Service Integration
How can I integrate U.S.P.S. (United States Postal Service) shipping options into my store's shopping cart?

The Modular Merchant software is integrated with U.S.P.S. right out of the box, with built-in integration tools to provide real-time U.S.P.S. shipping rates for orders from your store. It is possible to enter your own U.S.P.S. account information within the U.S.P.S. Shipping Tools at [Modules > 3rd-Party Service Integration], or you may use the basic account that comes preinstalled with the software.

A U.S.P.S. account is not required in order to take advantage of the U.S.P.S. integration with the store, a default U.S.P.S. account is already active in the store and can be used right away.


(optional) enter your own U.S.P.S. account number into the store
1. In your store's administration area, go to [Modules > 3rd-Party Service Integration > U.S.P.S. Shipping Tools]
2. Set
Use a custom U.S.P.S. account to YES.
3. Enter your U.S.P.S. Account User Name and Account Password.
4. Click Save Changes when finished.
View U.S.P.S Shipping Methods

To view the different U.S.P.S. shipping methods that are available in the store, please do the following:

View Available U.S.P.S. Shipping Methods
1. From the Administration area, please go to [Shipping > Search Shipping Methods].
2. This will display a list of all the pre-installed shipping methods. All of the U.S.P.S. shipping methods available will be named according to their service, and will have U.S.P.S. listed in the Type column.
3. To make any of these shipping methods usable from the storefront, set the Active toggle to YES. Set the Active toggle to YES for each shipping method that you wish to be usable from the storefront. Inactive shipping methods can still be used by store administrators in the Place an Order tool, but will not be available to customers.

In order to display real time shipping rates at checkout, the customer must enter a complete "ship to" address (including state and/or zip code depending on country), and the store must also provide a complete "ship from" address.

The default "ship from" address is the store's address as entered in the Company Information section at [Admin > System Settings]. If the store's address does not include a state and/or zip code (depending on country), the system may not be able to retrieve real time shipping rates.
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