aff_commission DB Ttable
  Last Edited - 05/19/2010 9:18am PDT
  Category Path - Developer's Guide > Database Structure
This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 aff_commission database table.

  • id
    Primary Key of aff_commission table.
    int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
  • tid
    Tracking ID number that is referenced for the specific commission; commissions are tracked by the tid.
    int(10) | unsigned | indexed
  • date
    This is the date in which the commission was recorded by either an order or by a store admin
    int(10) | unsigned | indexed | timestamp
  • order_id
    The Order ID referenced for this commision.
    int(10) | unsigned | indexed
  • value
    The value of the commission that was awarded to the affiliate for the sale.
    double(16,2)| unsigned | indexed
  • type
    The type of the commission.
    int(10) | unsigned | indexed | values: sales commission or manual commission
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