Digital Object Performance Report
  Last Edited - 12/5/2012 10:31am PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Digital Delivery
This report provides statistics on the store's downloaded Digital Objects.  The search tools provide the ability to search for a specified date range, digital object SID, digital object name, and more.
Digital Object Performance Report Columns

The SID number of the digital object.  Click the up arrow to arrange the search results in ascending order by SID number, or click the down arrow to arrange the search results in descending order by SID number. Each SID number is a clickable link to open the specific Digital Object in the Digital Object Editor.

Object Name
The name of the digital object.  Click the up/down arrows to arrange the search results by alphabetization.

# of Products
Displays how many products the digital object is associated with.  Click the up/down arrows to arrange the search results by the number of products each object is associated with.

# of Downloads
Displays the total number of times the digital object has been downloaded, within the specified date.  Click the up/down arrows to arrange the search results by number of times downloaded.

Displays the percentage of total digital delivery bandwidth used by the digital object, within the specified date range.

Object Size
Displays the digital object's file size, in megabytes.  Click the up/down arrows to arrange the search results by digital object size.

Estimated Bandwidth
Displays the estimated amount of bandwidth used by the digital object, within the specified date range, in megabytes.  Click the up/down arrows to arrange the search results by the size of the estimated bandwidth.

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