Daily Snapshot Report
  Last Edited - 09/29/2011 8:29am PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Reports
The Daily Snapshot report provides an overview of store activities on a given day or date range.  The various sections of the report are described in further detail below.
Search Daily Snapshot

By default, the current date will be loaded into the search tool.  Use the dropdown menus to search for a certain date or date range.
Orders Columns

Click the  icon to view a brief summary of the order, or click the order number to go to the Order Editor for more detailed information.

Displays the date of the order.

Click the  icon to view a brief customer summary or click on the customer's name to view more detailed info in the Customer Editor.  Click the  icon to go to the storefront logged in as the customer.

# Prod
Displays the total number of products in the order.

Displays the order's grand total.
New Customers Columns

Click the  icon to view a brief summary of the customer or click the SID number to go to the Customer Editor for more detailed information.

Displays the customer's name.  Click the  icon to go to the storefront logged in as the customer.

Displays the customer's email address.

# of Orders
Displays the number of orders the customer has placed in the store.

Date Created
Displays the date the customer account was created.
Emails Sent Columns

Displays the SID (System ID) number of the email.  The SID number is set by the software and cannot be edited.

Displays the customer's name & email address.  Click the name to go to the Customer Editor for the customer.  Click the email address to send the customer an email.

Displays the subject line that appears in the email sent to the customer.

Date Sent
Displays the date the email was sent from the server.
Declined Orders Columns

Displays the SID (System ID) number of the declined order.  The SID number is set by the software and cannot be edited.

Date Declined
Displays the date the order was declined.

Customer Name
Click on the customer's name to view more detailed info in the Customer Editor.  Click the  icon to go to the storefront logged in as the customer.

# of Products
Displays the total number of products in the declined order.

Order Total
Displays the declined order's grand total.

Displays the type of order that was declined.  The processor can be Administrator, Customer, or Subscription.

IP Address
Displays the IP address of the customer, if available.

Decline Reason
Hover over the  icon to view details about the declined order, if available.

Place Order
Click the Place Order link to go to the Place an Order tool with the customer's info & basket preloaded.
Best Sellers Columns

Displays a list of the best selling products during the time frame.

Displays the number of units sold for each product during the specified time frame.

Displays the number of orders for the product, within the time frame.

Displays the total value of the products' orders during the time frame.
Account Activity

Displays the SID (System ID) number of the Account Activity entry.  The SID number is set by the software and cannot be edited.

Displays the date the Account Activity occurred on.

Displays the type of user that performed the Account Activity entry.

Displays the store or admin page that the Account Activity entry occurred on.

Displays the type of action taken.

Displays a brief description of what occurred.
New Affiliates Columns

Displays the SID (System ID) number of the affiliate.  The SID number is set by the software and cannot be edited.

Displays the affiliate's name.  Click the  icon to log into the storefront affiliate area as the affiliate.

Displays the email address of the affiliate.  Click it to send the affiliate an email.

# of Hits
Displays the total number of hits the affiliate's Tracking IDs have generated.

# of Sales
Displays the total number of sales associated with the affiliate's Tracking IDs.

Account Balance
Displays the current amount owed to the affiliate, if any.

Date Created
Displays the date the affiliate account was created.
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