Manual (Process Offline) payment gateway
  Last Edited - 10/31/2011 11:59am PDT
  Category Path - Glossary
When Manual (Process Offline) is selected as the payment gateway, the shopping cart software will not connect to any third-party payment gateway (such as during the checkout process to authorize and/or charge the customer's credit card. Instead, the credit card information that was submitted by the customer during the checkout process will just be recorded in the order's records.

In order for the customer's credit card to actually be charged, it will be necessary for a store Admin to manually process a charge against the card either using their physical credit card terminal, or the "virtual terminal" in their payment gateway's account area.

credit cards submitted under the manual gateway
Note that the credit cards associated with orders placed while using the "Manual (Process Offline)" option are not validated by a payment gateway. This means that the legitimacy of the credit card was not verified when the order was placed.

Therefore, it's recommended that, at a minimum, the credit cart be authorized prior to shipping any products associated with the order.
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