Redeem Limit
  Last Edited - 11/14/2011 3:47pm PST
  Category Path - Glossary
The Redeem Limit is used by events created with the Event Engine Editor.

The Redeem Limit specifies how many times the event may be triggered in the storefront.

For example, if an event has a Redeem Limit of 10, then just the first ten orders that meet the event's criteria will trigger the event. After the event has been applied to ten orders, no more customers will be able have it applied to their orders.

The Redeem Limit has the following options:
  1. Event may be redeemed an unlimited number of times
    There's no limit to the number of orders the event may be applied to.
    the difference between "redeem limit" and "reusable"
    In fact, if the Reusable option is set to "YES", then customers who have already had the event applied to an order they've placed will be able to redeem it again if they place another order.
  2. The event may be redeemed the following number of times... 123
    Replace "123" with the desired number of redemptions allowed.
    Specifies the total number of orders the event will be applied to before making itself unavailable. This number indicates the total number of times the event may be used, not the total number of unique customers who may take advantage of the event.
    use "reusable" in conjunction with "redeem limit"
    To limit an event so that it can only be used by each customer once, set the Reusable option to "NO".
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