Do I need to rescan my File Storage Area when I EDIT files?
  Last Edited - 02/27/2012 10:36am PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Digital Delivery > FAQs & Tutorials
the files i've updated aren't being listed
I've been uploading updated revisions of the files that we use as our digital objects to my File Storage Area. When I scan it to create new digital objects for the updated files, I no files are listed. Why isn't the File Storage Area scan tool finding the files?

If the file names are exactly the same, then there's no need to create new Digital Objects for the updated files. When a customer purchases a product with that Digital Object attached to it, they will automatically download the current version of the file that is on the server. There's no need to rescan the File Storage Area, create new Digital Objects, or take any other action in this case.

The Digital Object: test_file_001.png will be updated if you upload and name the file: test_file_001.png

The scan tool doesn't list the revised versions of the files, because it excludes any files from its list that already have a corresponding Digital Object. If a digital object that has that file name already exists, it won't be listed in the scan results, since creating another Digital Object for it is unnecessary.
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