Opening the Storefront for Business
  Last Edited - 08/5/2013 9:18am PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Admin > FAQs & Tutorials

When a new storefront is ready to open for business, there are two important system settings to update in the store's Administration Area. These settings are located at [Admin > System Settings > Testing & Development].

Step 1: Test Mode

The first option is titled "Are you running in Test Mode?" This option is set to "Yes" by default when a new store is first created. While the option is set to "Yes", any order placed through the storefront will be sent to the Payment Gateway for authorization, but the credit card will not actually be charged. A "test mode" warning message will be displayed in the store.

When this option is toggled to "No", any order placed through the storefront will be sent to the Payment Gateway for authorization, and the credit card will be charged.
Step 2: Open for Business

The second option is titled "Is your storefront open for business?" This option is set to "No" by default when a new store is first created. While the option is set to "No", store admins who are logged in will be able to browse the store as though it were open, but each page will display a warning message that the store is currently closed. All other visitors will be redirected to the "store closed" page.

When this option is toggled to "Yes", all visitors will be able to browse the store, and the store closed warning message will be removed.

Any change to either option must be saved by clicking the Save Changes button.
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