Version 4.121001.1106 Release Notes
  Last Edited - 10/1/2012 11:06am PDT
  Category Path - Editorial > Release Notes
Release notes for Modular Merchant version 4.121001.1106
  • 3rd-Party Integration
  • Pivotal Payment Gateway
    Modified the format of the credit card expiration date that is submitted to the Pivotal Payments gateway, to prevent a response from their system stating that the expiration date was formatted incorrectly.
    Updated the {GOOGLE-ANALYTICS-TRAFFIC} QuickCode Tag to use the most recently published version of Google's traffic tracking code.
    Updated the {GOOGLE-ANALYTICS-TRANSACTION} QuickCode Tag to use the most recently published version of Google's transaction tracking code.
  • Administration Area
  • Admin Permissions
    Fixed an issue in which editing an Admin Account could cause the permission levels of the Admin doing the editing to be applied to the Admin being edited.
  • Admin Permissions
    Fixed an issue in which editing your own Admin account could cause your admin account's permission levels to reset to the default settings.
  • Category Editor
    The products listed in the Products in this Category section of the Category Editor will now have the correct value in the Active column. (Previously, all products would be listed as inactive, regardless of their actual Active setting.)
  • Order Editor
    Fixed an issue that could cause the Print an Invoice link in the Order Editor to load the wrong printable receipt if that order had been created by cloning a previous order.
  • Vendor Editor
    The products listed in the Products by this Vendor section of the Vendor Editor will now have the correct value in the Active column. (Previously, all products would be listed as inactive, regardless of their actual Active setting.)
  • Account Activity Report
    If a client deletes a payment method from within the storefront's Customer Account Area, the deletion will now be recorded in the Account Activity report.
  • Account Activity Report
    Deletions of customer shipping address records will now be recorded in the Account Activity report.
  • Subscription Products Module
    On the Subscription Products module settings page at [Modules > Subscription Products > Subscription Product Module Settings], option #3, "Shipping Option" will now also display the System ID numbers of each shipping method.

    The option for "Free Shipping (SID 0)" has also been removed. (This was an option in a previous version of the shopping cart software that is no longer applicable.)
  • Vendor Royalties
    If an order has earned royalties for one or more vendors, a list of those royalties will now be displayed on the Order Editor page. Information included in the list includes: the name of the vendor, the date it was earned, the value of the royalty and the product associated with it.
  • Event Engine
  • Speed Improvements
    Introduced a speed improvement for storefront pages that will be most noticeable by stores with a large number (10,000 ) of products. For example, in our testing, the load time of certain storefront pages was reduced from 33 seconds down to 4 seconds when an event was running that put 50,000 products on sale.
  • General
  • Customer Accounts
    Ampersands in passwords should no longer be translated to "& amp ;" when viewed in the Customer Editor. It should also be able to log in to the Customer Account area in the storefront if the password includes an ampersand.
  • Log File Rotation
    Updated the system that manages the store-generated log files so that the logs are retained for two weeks. (Previously, the logs would be retained indefinitely, which could cause some of the larger logs to increase an account's disk space usage.)
  • Security Updates
    Added eight new security features to the administration and storefront areas. (Due to the sensitive nature of security issues, specific details on what these updates entailed will not be published.)
  • Modular Mailer
  • XSS Protection
    Fixed an issue in which the anti-XSS (Cross Site Scripting) security system could interfere with the content displayed in the Email Template Editor's HTML editor field. The issue would cause the HTML version of the message to always display its HTML source code, instead of displaying the regular, rendered HTML.
  • Inactive Email Templates
    Inactive email templates will no longer be included in the "Select an Email Template..." menu in the Send an Email Batch section of the page at: [Modules > Modular Mailer].
  • QuickCode Tags
  • Basket Images
    Fixed an issue which could have prevented the following block tags from displaying the correct image for products: {BASKET-PRODUCT-BLOCK-BEGIN}, {NEWEST-PRODUCT-BLOCK-BEGIN} and {RECENTLY-VIEWED-PRODUCT-BLOCK-BEGIN}.
    Added the {URL-ADD-WISH-LIST-TO-BASKET} QuickCode Tag, which can be used to add a link to a Wish List that will add every product on the Wish List to the customer's basket.
  • Storefront
  • Affiliate Tracking ID (TID) Numbers
    Made an improvement to the tracking of incoming links that include affiliate Tracking ID (TID) numbers. Previously, certain formats for incoming links could prevent the store from being able to set the affiliate tracking cookie.
  • Coupon Redemption
    Fixed an issue that could prevent a customer from being able to check out with a credit card if they first attempted to redeem a coupon code that has been used the maximum number of times.
  • Customer Credit Accounts
    Fixed an issue that would prevent a customer from being able to pay with their Customer Credit Account if the value of the funds available in their credit account exactly matched the value of the order they were trying to place.
  • Product Fields
    Added support for multiselect Product Fields that can adjust product prices. (Previously, if multiple price-adjusting options were selected in a Product Field, only the first option's adjustment would be applied to the product's price.)
  • Product Fields
    If a product field adjusts a product's price, and that product is on sale, then both the displayed product's sale price and its original price will now be adjusted. (Previously, the display of the product's original price would not have been adjusted.)
  • System Settings
  • Missing Company Information
    Introduced an improvement to the way that System Settings are saved that may help prevent the Company Address fields from being emptied when saving System Settings in various location in the store's Administration Area. (It is believed that this issue is related to a web browser plug in that auto-fills certain common form fields. However, our testing has not been conclusive yet. It's hoped that this update resolves the problem for those users.)
  • Transaction Floodcheck
    Fixed an issue that could prevent the transaction floodcheck (System Setting #42) from being enforced.
  • Universal Template
    Added the {URL-ADD-WISH-LIST-TO-BASKET} QuickCode Tag to the "Universal" version of the Wish List page's HTML template. This QuickCode Tag can be used to add a link to a Wish List that will add every product on the Wish List to the customer's basket.

### End of Release Notes ###

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