  Last Edited - 06/4/2013 4:48pm PDT
  Category Path - Glossary
A trigger, is the rule that an event must follow in order to set off its result(s). Triggers and results can be mixed in a variety of different combinations to make for a number of events. There can be as many triggers applied to an event as you desire, as well as results.

An event may have a trigger of:

Type: basket
Details: The basket grand total is greater than $49.99

Before the event's result will be set off, the customer's basket grand total must be greater than $49.99.

You may specify if an event must meet any or all of it's triggers for the results to be activated. It is also possible to set the event to not use any triggers at all. This is used to create an event that simply produces a result with no triggers required, or by use of a coupon code.

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