Twitter Integration
  Last Edited - 02/18/2013 4:15pm PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > 3rd Party Service Integration
The Twitter Integration options, located at [Modules > 3rd-Party Service Integration > Twitter Integration], allow the store to display Twitter content.
Twitter Integration Options

Use the Twitter module?
If this option is set to YES, then content between the {IF-USING-TWITTER-BEGIN} and {IF-USING-TWITTER-END} QuickCode Tags will be displayed in the storefront. If this option is set to NO, then content between the {IF-USING-TWITTER-BEGIN} and {IF-USING-TWITTER-END} QuickCode Tags will not be displayed in the storefront.

Your Twitter Account Name
Enter the name of the Twitter account to integrate with the store.
Example: mytwitteraccount

Twitter Follow Button
A Twitter follow button allows customers to follow the Twitter account specified in the Your Twitter Account Name setting. For detailed information about adding a Twitter follow button to the storefront, please refer to the following Knowledge Base article:
Add a Twitter Follow button to storefront pages

Twitter Tweet Button
A Twitter tweet button allows customers to to send a new tweets from their Twitter accounts. The tweet messages will include the title and URL of the page that contains the tweet button. For detailed information about adding a Twitter tweet button to the storefront, please refer to the following Knowledge Base article:
Add a Twitter Tweet button to storefront pages

Twitter Search Phrases
Enter a comma-separated list of phrases for an automated Twitter search. The results will be displayed in the store's admin area, in the Twitter Searches section at [Home > Admin Home Page].
Example: Example Store Name,Example Product Name,Example Product Feature

Enter the names of your company and products to keep an eye on your brand through Twitter!

Save Changes
Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page after making any updates to the Twitter Integration settings.
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