Gift Wrap
  Last Edited - 06/4/2013 4:42pm PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components
A product may be assigned gift wrapping options from within the Product Editor, using the option, "Can be Gift Wrapped?".

If toggled  , a Gift Wrap fee may be assigned as a dollar amount. The Gift Wrap fee will be added to the order's total once for each unit of the product in the customer's basket.

Gift wrapping a unit of this product will cost the customer 75 cents.

Gift wrapping options can only be assigned to the product if it is set to require shipping.

When a product with gift wrapping is added to the basket, the option to apply gift wrap will display under the product's name on the checkout page, along with how much in fees it will add to the order.

With 1 unit of Air in the basket, Gift Wrapping will only cost $0.75. Yahoo!

Once the gift wrap option has been selected, the fee will be applied to the order's Line Price, with its own specific line.

Fees due to gift wrapping are displayed on the "Gift wrapping fees" line.
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