Add "Search by Price" links to the storefront
  Last Edited - 11/24/2014 11:38am PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Design > FAQs & Tutorials
Adding a set of "Search by Price" links to the storefront may help customers find products they're interested in.

There are three types of "Search by Price" links, and all three types may be combined to create a complete set of links for any set of price ranges.

base price
The "Search by Price" links locate products that have a base price that is within the "Search by Price" range. Price adjustments (such as event discounts, product-level sale price, etc) are ignored. If a product has a base price of $500 but is currently discounted by an event to $50, the product will still show up in the "Over $500" range, and will not show up in the "Under $100" range.
Option 1: Everything up to a certain price

To create a link that will locate all products in the store that have a base price equal to or less than a specified price, use the following "Search by Price" link format (replace X with the desired price amount):
<a href="search_results.php?search_price_range=-X">Under $X</a>

To create a link that will locate all products in the store that have a base price equal to or less than a $100, use the following "Search by Price" link:

<a href="search_results.php?search_price_range=-100">Under $100</a>
Option 2: Products within a price range

To create a link that will locate all products in the store that have a base price equal to or greater than a starting value, and equal to or less than an ending value, use the following "Search by Price" link format (replace X with the desired starting value, and replace Y with the desired ending value):
<a href="search_results.php?search_price_range=X-Y">From $X to $Y</a>

To create a link that will locate all products in the store that have a base price equal to or greater than $100 and equal to or less than $500, use the following "Search by Price" link:

<a href="search_results.php?search_price_range=100-500">From $100 to $500</a>
Option 3: Everything over certain price

To create a link that will locate all products in the store that have a base price equal to or greater than a specified price, use the following "Search by Price" link format (replacing X with the desired price amount):
<a href="search_results.php?search_price_range=X-">Over $X</a>

To create a link that will locate all products in the store that have a base price equal to or greater than $500, use the following "Search by Price" link:

<a href="search_results.php?search_price_range=-500">Over $500</a>
Product settings that may affect the results

The "Search by Price" links make use of the storefront search feature. If a product has the Include in search results? Product Editor option set to NO, the product will not show up in any search generated by a "Search by Price" link.

Additionally, if a product has the Hidden Product Editor option set to YES, the product will not show up in any search generated by a "Search by Price" link.
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