Apple Mail - Suggested Mail Account Settings
  Last Edited - 09/27/2016 9:42am PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components
last updated
Article was last updated September 27th, 2016.

This article is in place to help provide the current mail settings if you use Apple Mail to send/receive email for an email account hosted on a Modular Merchant server. 

Create your mail account in Plesk

If your mail account (username and password) has not yet been created in Plesk, refer to the Logging in to Plesk and Create your email accounts... sections of the following tutorial to create the desired mail account:
Setting Up Email Accounts in Plesk and Outlook
Configure your mail account in Apple Mail

In Apple Mail, create a new account, if needed. If the account already exists in Apple Mail, open up its settings for editing.

Apple Mail (version 9.3 or later) should include an Automatically detect and maintain account settings option, which may be located at [Accounts > Account Name > Advanced].

Select the Automatically detect and maintain account settings checkbox, if it is not already selected, and save the change. It may be necessary to restart (close and reopen) Apple Mail to trigger the automatic detection.

Once the automatic detection completes, the Port and Authentication settings should automatically update, if needed. The automatically detected settings may include the following:

1. Port: 110
2. Use SSL: Enabled
3. Authentication: External (TLS client Certificate) 
4. Allow insecure authentication: Not enabled
If that doesn't work for you...

Give Mozilla Thunderbird a try. It's a free mail program, and in our experience, Thunderbird works quite well for connecting to mail accounts and sending/receiving emails when other programs (such as Apple Mail or Outlook) don't.

If you have questions on this topic, or are having difficulty connecting to mail accounts or sending/receiving emails from them, start a support ticket in your account. Support tickets can be created from [Support > Support Tickets] in your Administration Area. When you do so, please provide the following:

• A description of the problem.
• Your IP address.
• Any error messages that occur when you are sending or receiving emails.

Once you create the ticket, it will be sent directly to our support team for review. We'll get back to you as soon as possible!
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