This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 product database table.
- id
The product's System ID (SID) number.
int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
- name
The name of the product.
varchar(255) | indexed
- create_date
The date this product was created.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- active
Whether the product is active. If set to zero, the product is inactive. Only active products are displayed in the storefront. Customers may only purchase active products. Store administrators may still place orders for inactive products. Scheduled Orders may contain inactive products.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 1 | indexed
- hidden
Whether the product is hidden. If set to zero, the product is not hidden. Hidden products are not displayed in the storefront. Customers may purchase hidden products. Store administrators may still place orders for hidden products. Scheduled Orders may contain hidden products.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
- display_order
The order in which the product is displayed in relation to other products. Products are displayed first by display order in ascending order, then by name in ascending order, then by SID in descending order.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- featured
Determines whether the product is included in the list of products generated by the {FEATURED-PRODUCTS} QuickCode™ Tag. If set to zero, the product is excluded from the list of featured products.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
- part_number
Previously referred to as the product "SKU". The part number is any identifier, be it a SKU, part number or other ID number.
varchar(255) | indexed
- status
Determines the products availability.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- low_stock_threshold
Determines the point at which the product is considered "Low Stock".
int(10) | indexed
- low_stock_behavior
Determines the behavior the product will take when it is considered "Low Stock".
varchar(255) | indexed
- low_stock_status
The SID of something....xxxxxxThis needs to be researched!!!!!!
int(10) | indexed
- weight
The total weight in either grams (if store set to metric units of measure) or ounces (if store set to US standard units of measure).
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- cogs
Cost Of Goods Sold.
double(16,2) | indexed
- msrp
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price.
double(16,2) | indexed
- price
The price of the product that will be displayed in the storefront.
double(16,2) | indexed
- min_qty
If set to a value greater than zero, this will determine the minimum quantity of the product that may be purchased per address in an order.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- max_qty
If set to a value greater than zero, this will determine the maximum quantity of the product that may be purchased per address in an order.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- seo_url_text
Any URL entered in this field will be used in the URL of the product's storefront page. If empty, the system will attempt to use the product's name instead.
varchar(255) | indexed
- store_page
Any URL entered in this field will override the default product details page created in the storefront.
varchar(255) | indexed
- template
The template to be applied to the product's details page in the storefront.
varchar(255) | indexed
- tax_exempt
If set to zero, then the product will be included when taxes are calculated. If greater than zero, then the product will be excluded from the tax calculation.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
- shipping_exempt
If set to zero, then the product will be included when shipping fees are calculated. If greater than zero, then the product will be excluded from the shipping calculation.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
- is_gc
If set to zero, then the product will not be treated as a gift certificate when purchased.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
- use_gift_wrap
If set to zero, then the product will not be eligible to provide an option to be gift wrapped when it is purchased.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
- gift_wrap_fee
The dollar value of gift wrapping fees per unit of the product purchased.
double(16,2) | indexed
- restrict_qty
If set to zero, then the customer will be allowed to change the quantity of the product in their basket. Store administrators may change the quantity of the product in the basket, even if the quantity is restricted.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
- include_in_search
If set to 1, then the product will be included in searches made using the search engine in the storefront. If set to 0, then the product will not be included in searches made using the storefront search engine.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 1 | indexed
- rec_type
Determines whether a product is a subscription product, and whether it rebills every X days or on a day of the month.
varchar(255) | Values: (empty), XDAYS, DOM | Default: (empty) | indexed
- rec_term
The number of days that a product that rebills every X days will rebill.
int(10) | indexed
- rec_term_text
Text that can be displayed in the storefront after the product's price. For example, entering "monthly" in this field could allow the product's price to be displayed in the storefront as "$123.45 monthly".
varchar(255) | indexed
- rec_times
The number of times the product will attempt to rebill as itself before moving on to the next product in the subscription daisy chain.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- rec_as
The SID of the product that the subscription will change over to after the product has rebilled as itself the prescribed number of times.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- rec_num_time_spans
The number of time spans used to reschedule the order. Example: A quarterly scheduling scheme would have 3 in this field and M in product.rec_time_spans.
int(10) | indexed
- rec_time_spans
The type of time period used when scheduling the order. W = week, M = month, Y = year
char(1) | Value: W/M/Y |indexed
- rec_grace
Determines the grace period for rebilling products.
int(10) | indexed
- rec_subscriber_content
This content can be displayed in the storefront to customers that have a valid scheduled order for the product.
- keywords
A list of keywords to seed the store's search engine.
- aff_com_value
The numeric value of the default ccommission value for this product. May also be overridden for specific affiliates in the product_com_vals table.
double(16,2) | indexed
- aff_com_type
Determines whether the aff_com_value field is a dollar value or percentage of the product's purchase price.
char(1) | Values: D,P | Default: D | indexed
- aff_com_max
The default maximum value per unit of the product that an affiliate may earn as a commission. May also be overridden for specific affiliates in the product_com_vals table.
double(16,2) | indexed
- aff_resources
The URL of a page containing marketing materials for use by affiliates for this product.
varchar(255) | indexed
- short_description
The product's short description.
- long_description
The product's long description.
- ship_solo
If greater than zero, then the product's shipping fees will be calculated as a separate shipment when it is purchased.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
- dropship_id
Reference to the dropship record associated with this product.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- width
The total width in either centimeters (if store set to metric units of measure) or inches (if store set to US standard units of measure). Whole numbers only. (12 is okay, 12.3 is not.)
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- height
The total height in either centimeters (if store set to metric units of measure) or inches (if store set to US standard units of measure). Whole numbers only. (12 is okay, 12.3 is not.)
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- length
The total length in either centimeters (if store set to metric units of measure) or inches (if store set to US standard units of measure). Whole numbers only. (12 is okay, 12.3 is not.)
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- allow_backorder
If greater than zero, then customers will not be allowed to place an order for a product that has fewer units in stock than the quantity being purchased.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 0 | indexed
- href_target
Specifies whether the links to the product store page should open in the same browser window or a new one.
varchar(255) | indexed
- ptcs_id
Referenced to the that is associated with this product.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- allow_wish_list
Whether the product is compatible with wish lists, or not.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed | default: 1
- allow_review
Whether the product is compatible with reviews, or not.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed | default: 1