  Last Edited - 12/24/2012 8:38am PST
  Category Path - Glossary

Hosting refers to the Internet service provided by Modular Merchant to our clients, which includes the servers, file storage, email, and bandwidth for your store.

Stores without a hosting plan will be assigned to a directory in the shared hosting area at

example: store with no hosting plan
My store's account name is my_awesome_store, and my Modular Merchant account does not include a hosting plan. My store is assigned to the my_awesome_store directory in the shared hosting area at

The URL for my store is

Stores with a hosting plan will be hosted under their own domain name. Clients may host their entire domain with Modular Merchant, or host their main website elsewhere and only host a store subdomain, or store subdirectory, with Modular Merchant.

example: store with hosting plan
My store's account name is my_awesome_store, and my Modular Merchant account does include an account plan. I've registered the domain name at GoDaddy, and my entire website is hosted by Modular Merchant. My store is hosted under my domain name,

The URL for my store is


example: store with hosting plan (subdomain option)
My store's account name is my_awesome_store, and my Modular Merchant account does include an account plan. I've registered the domain name at GoDaddy, and my main website is already hosted elsewhere. I only want Modular Merchant to host my store, in the subdomain

The URL for my store is


example: store with hosting plan (directory option)
My store's account name is my_awesome_store, and my Modular Merchant account does include an account plan. I've registered the domain name at GoDaddy, and my main website is already hosted elsewhere. I only want Modular Merchant to host my store, in the store directory.

The URL for my store is
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