Search Product Attributes
  Last Edited - 12/27/2012 12:53pm PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Products
Product Attributes are custom attributes, used in the administration area or storefront, that can be added to products if the default options are insufficient for the store's needs.  The Search Product Attributes page provides options to review, manage, and make bulk changes to them.
Product Attribute Columns

SID (System ID)
The SID (System ID) is a unique number that identifies the attribute to the system.  This number cannot be changed.

Display Order
The Display Order determines the order in which the attributes are arranged in the product editor or storefront.  The lower the number, the higher the priority.

The title of the attribute appears to the left of the attribute in the product editor.

The type of attribute is the method of data input (such as a text field,  dropdown menu, or radio buttons).

If an attribute is set to unique, the data that is saved in the attribute for product cannot be identical to the data saved in the attribute for any other product.

If an attribute is set to required, a product cannot be created if the attribute does not contain data. 

If an attribute is set to strict, only letters, numbers, and underscores can be typed into the attribute.  Otherwise, any characters may be entered.

If an attribute is set to encrypt, the data in the attribute will be encrypted when it is saved to the database.

If selected, the product attribute will not be displayed to customers in the storefront; it will be used in the administration area only.

If selected, the product attribute will be included with product related store generated emails.

Notes are hidden and displayed to store administrators only.  Click on the number to view/edit the note or to add a new note.

An active attribute appears in the product editor, while an inactive attribute does not appear.  A green dot in this column indicates that the attribute is active, while a red X indicates that the attribute is inactive.

This tool makes a complete copy of the "parent" product attribute ; this can be useful for creating new product attributes based off of a the parent product attribute..

Edit this Product Attribute
If you click on the SID number or    icon for a product attribute, you will be taken to the Product Attribute Editor, where you can edit all of the options of this product attribute.

  (Check Icon) The checkboxes in this column work with the dropdown field below the table, giving you the options of activating, deactivating, and deleting one or more attributes.

Bulk Editing

The Display Order of the product attributes can be edited by inputting a numeric value into the DO field.

Make Active
Multiple product attributes can be activated by selecting the checkboxes on the right, selecting Make Active from the dropdown menu and clicking Go.

Make Inactive
Multiple product attributes can be deactivated by selecting the checkboxes on the first right, selecting Make Inactive from the dropdown menu, and clicking Go.

Multiple product attributes can be cloned simultaneously.  To clone multiple product attributes,  select the desired product attributes on the far right, select clone in the dropdown below the table, and click Go.

If a product attribute is no longer needed, it can be deleted.  To delete a product attribute, select it on the far right, select delete in the dropdown below the table, and click Go.

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