This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 customer_group database table. This table contains a historical list of the IP addresses associated with customer accounts.
- id
Primary Key of the table.
int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
- name
The name of the customer group
- active
The group's active status. Inactive groups are not applied in situations where they otherwise would be.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 1 | indexed
- description
The admin description of the customer group.
- match_type
The type of match: any of the criteria, or all of the criteria. Valid values are 'any' and 'all'.
char(3) | Default: any
- only_active_cmrs
The group is active only for customers with > 0.
char(1) | Default: Y