dropship DB Table
  Last Edited - 03/1/2010 2:03pm PST
  Category Path - Developer's Guide > Database Structure

This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 dropship database table.

  • id
    Primary Key of the table.
    int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
  • active
    If this field contains a value greater than zero, then the dropship is inactive.
    int(10) | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 1 | indexed
  • company
    The company/nickname for the dropshipper.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • first_name
    The first name associated with the dropshipper.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • last_name
    The last name associated with the dropship.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • address_1
    The first line of the billing address associated with the dropshipper.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • address_2
    The second line of the billing address associated with the dropshipper.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • city
    The city associated with the dropship address.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • state
    The two-character ISO code of the state associated with the dropship address, followed by the two-character ISO code of the country. For example, Oregon would be recorded as: OR_US.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • zip
    The zip/postal code associated with the dropship address.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • country
    The two-character ISO code of the country associated with the dropship address.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • phone_ac
    The area code associated with the dropship phone number.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • phone
    The phone number associated with the dropship.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • report_only_if_to_ship
    Whether or not non-shippable items are sent via the fulfillment report email. True will only sent items that are to be shipped via the fulfillment report email.
    int(10) | indexed | default: 1
  • report_update_prods_as_shipped
    Whether or not the order item will be updated as shipped. True will automatically update all order items sent via the fulfillment report email as shipped.
    int(10) | indexed | default: 1


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