This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 subscription_item database table.
- id
Primary Key of rec_order_item table.
int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
- cid
A reference to the field associated with this scheduled order item record.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- sai
The system ID number of the shipping address associated with this scheduled order item record.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- ship_method_id
The system ID number of the shipping method associated with this scheduled order item record.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- pid
The system ID number of the product associated with this scheduled order item record.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- qty
The number of the product to be shipped when this scheduled order is run.
- price_alt
The alternative price that will override the default product price of the product.
double(16,2) | indexed
- price_auth
If the value in this field is greater than 0, the alternative price is used instead of the default product price. The recorded value is the system ID number of the admin that overrode the default price.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- gift_wrap
If the value i this field is greater than 0, the product should be gift-wrapped.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | indexed
- create_date
The Unix timestamp of the creation date of this scheduled order item record.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | indexed
- bill_date
The Unix timestamp of the date the order should be processed.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | indexed
- bill_times
The number of times the product will rebill as itself.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- rebill_as
The system ID number of the next product in the chain, if any.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- rec_type
The subscription type, whether it will rebill per x amount of days, every x days of y, or every anniversary of the original subscription order.
varchar(255) | indexed
- rec_term
The term of the subscription.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- rec_num_time_spans
The number of time spans, this can be x days, months, year
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- rec_time_span
This is the identifier for the rec_num_time_spans column. The values can be days, weeks, months, or years.
char(1) | indexed | values: D/W/M/Y
- rec_grace
The amount of days for the subscription grace period. If the subscription is purchased within this grace period, the rebilling terms will skip the first payment and start the following
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- hold
If the value in this field is greater than 0, the product will be skipped when the scheduled order is run.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | indexed
- reminder_sent
If the value in this field is greater than 0, the customer has received reminder email about next scheduled order for this product. This field is reset to 0 every time the scheduled order is run.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | indexed
- declines
The number of times the scheduled order has been declined since the last time it ran successfully.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- completed_cycles
The number of scheduled orders for this product that have already run.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- retain_order_notes
If the value in this field is greater than 0, the order notes will be retained after the scheduled order is run.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | indexed
- order_notes
Customer_facing notes that will be appended to the order receipt.
text | unsigned