Search Events
  Last Edited - 04/12/2013 1:13pm PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Event Engine
The Event Engine is the tool to create store discounts, promotions, sale prices, bonus products, product bundles, and much more.

The Search Events page displays the events that are currently present in the store. By default, events are displayed in order by PO (Process Order) number. A different method of sorting may be selected by clicking the up and down arrows in the heading of each column.
Search Events

The Search Events section may be used to specify search rules to filter which events are displayed on the page.

The Search Events title bar includes two dropdown menus.

Search for: Events that match rules below or all Events
To search for events matching specific criteria, select Events that match rules below. This will update the Search Events section to include Search Rules options.

To quickly clear any search rules and display ALL of the store's events, select all Events from the dropdown menu. This will hide the Search Rules options, and update the Search Results table to include all of the store's events.

with # results per page
To adjust how many events are shown per page, simply select the desired number from the dropdown menu.
Search Results

The Search Results table displays all events that match the search rules specified in the Search Events section. If no search rules are specified (all Events is selected), then all of the store's events will be listed in the Search Results table.

The Search Results table includes several columns which display information about the listed events. Many of the columns also have interactive features.

The SID (System ID) is a unique number that identifies the event within the store's database. This number is set by the software and cannot be changed. Each event's SID number is displayed in this column as a clickable link. Clicking on an event's SID number will open that event in the Event Editor.

The P.O. (Processing Order) determines the order that events are processed by the store.  In some cases, this may have a drastic effect on the final outcome, since events may be set to Stop processing additional Events or Ignore the Following Events once they are triggered.

Event Name
The name of the event.  The name may optionally be displayed to customers in the storefront.

Coupon Code
If there is a coupon code associated with the event, it will be displayed in this column.

Public Desc.
This column contains a note  icon for each event. If the event does not have a public description, the note icon will be faded out. If the event does have public description, the note icon will display with full opacity, and clicking on the icon will open a popup to display the text of the event's public description.

Start Date
Displays the date & time the event starts. Prior to the event's start date, the system will not evaluate the event, regardless of the event's Active setting.

End Date
Displays the date & time the event ends. After the event's end date, the system will not evaluate the event, regardless of the event's Active setting. 

Displays the number of times the event has been redeemed. If the event has a redeem limit, that number will also display, in the format Usage # / Redeem Limit #. If the event has been redeemed at least once, the usage number will be displayed as a clickable link. Clicking the usage number link will open the Search Orders page, with a search rule preconfigured to display the orders in which the event was redeemed.

Displays whether the event can be used more than once by the same customer. The toggle in this column is interactive, and may be used to edit an event's Reusable setting directly from the Search Events page.

Retain Balance
Displays whether or not customers will retain the balance, if any, when they redeem the event. The toggle in this column is interactive, and may be used to edit an event's Retain Balance setting directly from the Search Events page.

Notes are hidden and displayed to store administrators only. Click on the number to view/edit a note or to add a new note.

Displays whether or not the event is active. The toggle in this column is interactive, and may be used to edit an event's Active setting directly from the Search Events page.

The edit  button will open the event in the Event Editor, where all of the event's settings may be reviewed and updated.

The checkboxes in this column work with the options in the action menu at the bottom of the Search Events page.

Perform an action on the rows selected above...

Make Active
Multiple events may be activated by selecting the checkboxes on the right, selecting make active from the dropdown menu and clicking Go.

Make Inactive
Multiple events may be deactivated by selecting the checkboxes on the first right, selecting make inactive from the dropdown menu, and clicking Go.

Multiple events may be cloned simultaneously. To clone multiple events, select the checkboxes corresponding to the desired events, then select clone in the action menu, and click Go.

If an event is no longer needed, it can be deleted.  To delete an event, select its checkbox, select delete in the action menu, and click Go.

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