Email Delivery Queue
  Last Edited - 12/27/2012 11:25am PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Modular Mailer
The Email Delivery Queue displays the outgoing email messages that are scheduled to be sent out from the server.
Search Email Queue
Use this tool to either search through all emails that are queued up, or to search for specific search terms.
Search Results Columns
The SID (System ID) is a unique number that identifies the email to the system.  This number is set by the software and cannot be changed.

Email Batch ID
The Email Batch ID is a unique number that identifies the Email Batch to the system.  This number is set by the software and cannot be changed.

Date Added to Queue
Displays the actual date that the email first entered the email queue.

Recipient Name & Email
Displays the name and email address of the email's recipient.

Series & Series Step
The email series and series step will be displayed, if applicable to the queued email.

Email Template
Displays the template used with the queued email.

Send Date
Displays the actual date that the email will be sent.

If the email is on hold, a hand icon will be displayed and the email will not be sent until the hold is removed..

(Check icon)
The checkboxes in this column work with the dropdown box below the table, providing the ability to make changes to one or more emails simultaneously.


Bulk Editing
Put on Hold
Multiple emails can be put on hold by selecting the checkboxes on the right, selecting Put on Hold from the dropdown menu, and clicking Go.


Take off Hold
Multiple emails can be taken off hold by selecting the checkboxes on the right, selecting Take off Hold from the dropdown menu, and clicking Go.

Multiple emails can be deleted off the queue by selecting the checkboxes on the right, selecting Delete from the dropdown menu, and clicking Go.

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