Admin Home Page
  Last Edited - 10/8/2013 8:57am PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Home
The Admin Home Page displays Modular Merchant bulletins, recent order activity, fulfillment data, sales statistics and much more.  It can be customized to display the important sections in the order of your preference.  The Admin Home Page also updates itself automatically without the need to refresh the page.

The various sections of the Admin Home Page are explained in greater detail below.

Organize this page (link can be found in the far upper left portion of the page)
Feel free to reorganize the various items, listed below, as you see fit.  Simply hover over any section, wait until the directional cursor is displayed, then drag and drop into the desired location.

The Modular Merchant Bulletins section cannot be moved.

Modular Merchant Bulletins
This area will display any news or important events that you should be aware of.  It may also display links to documentation about any recent software updates.

Fulfillment Status
This section displays info about unauthorized, unpaid, and shipped orders, and provides links to display those orders.

Provides a brief snapshot of the current status of store subscriptions, including how many are Overdue, Due Today, Next 5 Days, On Hold, CC Pending, CC Expired, and Pending Cancellation.

Recent Sales Statistics
Displays a comparison of sales data between the current year and the previous year, as well as recent sales stats for the last several days.

Gross Sales Targets
Displays gross sales stats for the current date and current month and compares to the Target gross monthly sales, which is set in the store's System Settings.

Recent Orders
Displays the 10 more recent orders in the store, and provides links to the customer and order editor pages related to the orders.

Today's Best Sellers
Displays the day's top selling products, and provides links to view the order data related to those sales.

New Customers
Displays a graph of the number of orders placed from existing customers vs new customer accounts during the last few days.  It also displays data about the store's new customer accounts during the last day, last couple of days, week, month, and year. 

Open Support Tickets
Any open support tickets associated with the Modular Merchant store will be displayed in this section as well as links to the support ticket editor, where they can be updated.

Next Scheduled Invoice
Displays the due date and estimated amount of the account's next Modular Merchant monthly invoice.

The whiteboard can be used to display messages to admins, links to certain admin pages, links to other websites, just about anything.  It is your own customizable HTML enabled section of the admin home page to display whatever you'd like to.

Email Queue
Displays the number of Modular Mailer emails that are currently yet to be sent out by the store.

Twitter Searches
The admin home page can automatically search for key word searches and display the results.  To set this up, first go to Modules > 3rd Party Service Integration > Twitter Integration.

Traffic Summary
The Traffic Summary section provides a brief snapshot of the account's disk space and bandwidth usage with respect to the account's respective allowances.  For a more detailed look, go to Reports > Traffic Statistics.

Recent Admin Pages
Displays store admin pages that the currently logged in admin account has recently visited.

Provides links to popular tech support resources such as the knowledge base and support ticket editor.

Recent Admin Logins
Displays the 10 most recent store admin logins, as well as the date and time of each occurrence.
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