Checkout Fields are custom fields used in the checkout area of the Storefront to capture additional data from your customers. The data that is captured will be added to order records. The Checkout Field Editor is used to create and edit checkout fields.
key concept Checkout Fields are very similar to Customer Fields in that they both appear in the checkout area of the store to capture additional info from customers. The primary difference between the two is that the data associated with Customer Fields is associated with customer records, whereas the Checkout Field data is associated with order records.
example A common checkout field might be How did you hear about us? followed by a dropdown menu with several options.
To create a new checkout field:
Go to Orders > Add a Checkout Field.
Select the type of field.
Populate the section "Configure the custom field".
Click the Add this customer field button when finished.
To edit an existing checkout field:
Go to Orders > Search Checkout Fields.
Click either the SID number or the
icon associated with the checkout field.
Make the desired changes to the checkout field.
Click the Save Changes button when finished.
Checkout field format types
Checkout field data can be formatted in several different ways, explained in detail below.
One or more checkboxes can be used. This feature can be used to allow customers to input more than one selection simultaneously.
Dropdown Menu
A dropdown menu is used to allow for a single selection to be made from a group of options.
List (Select One)
A select one list is used to provide a list of text options where the user can make a single selection.
List (Select Multiple)
A select multiple list is used to provide a list of text options where the user can make multiple selections.
Radio Buttons
Radio Buttons are used to select a single option from a from a group of options
Text Field
Text Fields are used to create an area where text can be inputted.
Configure the Checkout Field
Each checkout field has options that determine how they are presented. Some of these options apply to all types of custom fields, while others are specific to a certain type. The options are explained in detail below.
SID (System ID)
The SID (System ID) is a unique number that identifies the field to the system. This number cannot be changed.
The Field title appears to the left of the custom field in the checkout area.
The description appears above the field in the checkout area of the storefront.
Add (+)
The add button will add another set of options, used to create an additional selections for the customer.
Remove (-)
Clicking the minus button will remove the corresponding option.
Display Order
The display order number determines the order in which the field are arranged in the checkout area. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
An active field appears in the checkout. Inactive fields are hidden.
If a field is set to unique, the data that is saved in the field for each order cannot be identical to the data saved for the field in any other order.
If a field is set to required, a order cannot be placed by the customer unless the field is populated.
If a field is set to encrypt, the data associated with the field will be encrypted when it is saved in the store database.
Internal Only
If selected, the field will only be displayed in the Administration area, never in the storefront.
Include in Email
If selected, the field data will be included in emails sent to the email address associated with the customer.
Notes are used internally for store administrators only. |