This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 dec_orders database table.
Note: This database table is used to store information about declined orders.
- id
Primary Key of the table.
int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
- product_value
The total price of all products in the order.
double(16,2) | indexed
- gw_value
The total of gift wrap fees.
double(16,2) | indexed
- order_total
The total amount paid for the order.
double(16,2) | indexed
- coupon_value
The dollar total of any coupon codes that were redeemed for the order.
double(16,2) | indexed
- cid
A reference to the field associated with this order record.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- email
The email address associated with this order record.
varchar(255) | indexed
- create_date
The Unix timestamp of the date and time this order was created.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- auth_date
The Unix timestamp of the date and time payment was authorized for this order.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- pay_date
The Unix timestamp of the date and time payment was received for this order.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- processor
A reference to the entity that placed the order: system (S), admin (A), or customer (C)
char(1) | Values: S/C/A | indexed
- sai
The shipping address system ID number.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- ship_first_name
The first name associated with the shipping address for this order.
varchar(255) | indexed
- ship_last_name
The last name associated with the shipping address for this order.
varchar(255) | indexed
- ship_address_1
The first line of the shipping address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- ship_address_2
The second line of the shipping address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- ship_city
The city of the shipping address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- ship_state
The two-character ISO code for the state of the shipping address, followed by the two-character ISO code for that state's country.
varchar(255) | Format: State-ISO_Country-ISO (Example: OR_US) | indexed
- ship_zip
The zip code of the shipping address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- ship_country
The two-character ISO code for the country of the shipping address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- bill_first_name
The first name associated with the billing address for this order.
varchar(255) | indexed
- bill_last_name
The last name associated with the billing address for this order. The first line of the billing address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- bill_address_1
The first line of the billing address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- bill_address_2
The second line of the billing address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- bill_city
The city of the billing address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- bill_state
The two-character ISO code for the state of the billing address, followed by the two-character ISO code for that state's country.
varchar(255) | Format: State-ISO_Country-ISO (Example: OR_US) | indexed
- bill_zip
The zip code of the billing address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- bill_country
The two-character ISO code for the country of the billing address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- phone_ac
The area code of the customer's primary phone number.
varchar(255) | indexed
- phone
The customer's primary phone number.
varchar(255) | indexed
- cmr_ip
The IP address of the customer when this order was created.
varchar(255) | indexed
- pay_method
The brand name of the cc or other payment method used for this order.
varchar(255) | indexed
- cc_name
The name on the credit card used for payment.
varchar(255) | encrypted
- cc_num
The credit card number used for payment.
varchar(255) | encrypted
- cc_mon
The 2-digit month number of the expiration date of the credit card used for payment.
varchar(255) | encrypted
- cc_year
The 4-digit month number of the expiration date of the credit card used for payment.
varchar(255) | encrypted
- bid
A reference to the field associated with this order record.
varchar(255) | indexed
- gateway
The name of the payment gateway used to process payment on this order.
varchar(255) | indexed
- digdel_password
Auto-generated password needed to access the download area for this order.
varbinary(255) | indexed
- wish_list_id
System ID number of the wish list in which the order is associated with.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- memo
This field is used to store notes specific to the order that are visible to the customer.