Search Categories
  Last Edited - 12/27/2012 1:22pm PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Products
The Search Categories page displays the categories that have been previously created in the store.
Display Options
By default, the categories are displayed by their  Display Order in ascending order (lowest to highest). Sort by any other column by clicking the up and down arrows in the heading of that column.

Which columns are displayed on this page can be changed by clicking Customizing Table Columns and selecting the desired columns.

Available Columns
The following information is available on this page:

The SID (System ID) is a unique number that identifies the category to the system.  This number is set by the software and cannot be changed.

The DO (Display Order) is used to designate the order that categories are displayed in the storefront.  Lower numbers are displayed first. Items that share the same Display Order are ordered next by their name, and then by their System ID number in descending order (highest to lowest).

The name of the category will be displayed in the storefront to customers.

Parent Category
If the category is a subcategory, this column will display the SID (System ID) of the parent category.

# of Subcategories
This will display the number of subcategories currently under this category, if any. Click on the number to display a list of all subcategories under this category.

# of Products
This will display the number of products that are associated with this category. Click on the number to display a list of all the products associated with this category.

The template is the file within the design package that controls the category's store page.  By default, categories use the category template.  However, it is possible to assign an alternate template.

Link Target
Specifies how the category page will be displayed when the customer clicks a link to the category.

Custom Category Attributes
If there are any custom category attributes, they will be displayed here. Each attribute will have its own column.

Category Image
An image can be displayed on the category's page, by using the {CATEGORY-IMAGE-TAG} QuickCode tag.  Click the icon to view the image currently uploaded for this category.

Store Page
Click the icon to view this category's storefront page.

Notes are never displayed in the storefront to customers. They are only displayed within the store's administration area.  Click on the number to view/edit the note or to add a new note.

This will display the active status of the category . The Green dot signifies "Active".  The Red "X" signifies "Inactive". Click this icon to toggle the active status. Active categories will be displayed in the storefront, whereas inactive categories will not.

This tool creates a new category based on an existing category; which is useful for quickly creating new categories.

Edit this Category
If you click on the SID number or    icon for a category, you will be taken to the Category Editor, where you can edit all of the options of this category.

(Check icon): 
The checkboxes in this column work with the dropdown box below the table, giving you the option of making changes to one or more categories at once.


Bulk Editing
The following actions can be applied to items selected on this page:


Make Active
Multiple categories can be activated by selecting the checkboxes on the right, selecting Make Active from the dropdown menu and clicking Go.

Make Inactive
Multiple categories can be deactivated by selecting the checkboxes on the first right, selecting Make Inactive from the dropdown menu, and clicking Go.

Multiple categories can be cloned simultaneously.  To clone multiple categories,  select the appropriate categories on the far right, select clone in the dropdown below the table, and click Go.

If a category is no longer needed, it can be deleted.  To delete a category, select the desired category on the far right, select delete in the dropdown below the table, and click Go.  Multiple categories can be deleted simultaneously by selecting multiple check boxes before clicking Go.

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