Preferences Files
  Last Edited - 05/27/2010 8:14pm PDT
  Category Path - Developer's Guide > Document Structure
Preferences Files
Each admin account has a unique preferences file for each page of the store's administration area. These prefs files are located in the store's prefs directory.

Naming Schema for Preferences Files
The naming scheme that is used for the preferences files is:

  • underscore (ie: _)
  • System ID (SID) number of admin account (ie: 123) 
  • underscore (ie: _)
  • name of webpage associated with the preferences file (ie: ad_index.php)

For example, admin SID 123's preferences file for the "search orders" page's would be located at:

Manually Resetting a Preferences File
If an admin performs an action on an administration page that causes that page's preferences file to generate an error -- such as preventing that page from loading correctly, an infinite loop, insufficient memory or other error -- then the error can be resolved by manually deleting the specific preferences file.

To delete a preferences file, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the website by FTP.
  2. Locate the prefs directory within the shopping cart installation.
  3. Delete the .php file specific to that admin account and that store page.

If the prefs file is deleted, then the store software will simply reset that admin's preferences to the default setting for that page. A new preferences file will automatically be created in the prefs directory the next time the admin views that page.

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