Account Setup Wizard: Step 2
  Last Edited - 09/27/2010 3:53pm PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Home
Step 2 of the Account Setup Wizard introduces your store's System Settings. The System Settings control the behavior of both your store's private Administration Area and it's public storefront.

There are several dozen System Settings available to control everything from how your store processes credit card transactions to choosing the colors used in sales graphs. Step 2 of the wizard displays just the System Settings related to your company.

Set this option to the timezone you live in. The system will reference this timezone for all reporting and scheduling purposes. You can change the timezone at any time, and the system will automatically update past and upcoming events accordingly.

Store Currency
This is the currency symbol that is displayed throughout your store. It is for display purposes only, and is independent of the currency used by your merchant bank or customer. That means that setting this to US Dollar will not adversely affect the exchange rate if a European customer pays in Euros.

Unit of Measure
The unit of measure is used to calculate shipping fees and display product dimensions in the storefront.

Company Name
Your company name will be included in the receipts and other emails sent to your customers. (You can remove the company name from the receipts and other emails later if you want to.)

Company Email
All store-generated emails will be sent from this email address.

Company Address
Your company address will also be included in the receipts and other emails sent to your customers. (You can remove the company address from the receipts and other emails later if you want to.)

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