Email Template Editor
  Last Edited - 06/3/2014 7:57am PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Modular Mailer
Every email that Modular Mailer sends is based on a template. Use the Email Template Editor to create new email templates or to edit existing email templates used with Modular Mailer.

This page can be found through [Design > Modular Mailer (Bulk Email) > Email Templates > + ].


Select an Email Template


Use the dropdown menu to either create a new email template or to select a previously created template for editing.


Email Header Options


Enter text to appear in the subject line of the email.

Enter the email address to be used as the From email address.

Optionally enter an email address here to receive a blind carbon copy of each email sent using this template.


Plain Text Version of Message

Use this field to add the body of the email in plain text.



HTML Version of Message

Use this field to add the body of the email in HTML.  Either paste in HTML code from a 3rd party HTML editor, or use the built-in HTML editor to create the HTML code on the spot.


It is possible to use the Email Template Editor to send all text emails, all HTML emails, or both.  If both are used, typically the recipient's email program will discard the text version if it is capable of reading HTML emails, or the HTML version if it can only read text versions.




New in Modular Merchant version 4, is the ability to send file attachments with Modular Mailer emails.  Use the Attachments section to configure the email template to send one or more files.

Upload a File
Click the Browse button to select a file to upload to the store's upload directory.  Click the + button to upload multiple files simultaneously.

Select a File to Attach
Select one or more files to include with the email.  Hold down CTRL to select multiple files at once.

File Attachments
Displays the files that are currently scheduled to be included with the email.


Settings & Reporting Options


Only active email templates will be sent out.

Track Links / Clicks
This feature will add some extra tracking code to any links present in HTML emails.  The extra tracking code will be used to determine if customers clicked on the individual links that may be present in the email template.

Track Message Opens / Reads
This feature will add some extra tracking code to HTML emails.  The extra tracking code will be used to determine how many times individual customers opened the email.


Save / Update Template Options


Do not save your changes to this template
Select this option to continue without saving your changes to the template.

Save/update this template
Select this option to save your changes to the template prior to continuing.

Save as a new template. (The subject line will be used as the template's title.)
Select this option to save as a new template prior to continuing.

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