RMV Code Generation Wizard
  Last Edited - 03/14/2014 8:25am PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Subscription Products
The RMV API is available for use by stores with a Modular Merchant Gold or higher account plan.
The RMV (Remote Membership Validator) system provides the functionality for remote websites to contact the store's shopping cart installation to validate login attempts. This allows the data contained in the store's customer account database to be used to determine whether a login is valid or not.
For instance, the RMV system allows the remote website to check with the shopping cart to determine whether a login name and password are a valid match to a customer account, and even to check if that customer account has an active subscription to specified products, or has a record of having purchased specified products.
The Memberships & RMV section of the Knowledge Base contains a number of articles with information about setting up and configuring RMV installations. But with the RMV Wizard, the initial set up is quicker and easier than ever before.
The RMV Wizard is located at [Orders > Subscription Orders Module > RMV Wizard], and may be used to generate PHP code for use on remote websites, to create members-only webpages. Only those customers that have a valid subscription to (or optionally past purchase of) specified products will be able to log in and view the webpages that are protected with the RMV code generated by this wizard.
The RMV Wizard will create two files:
  • A simple login page.
  • A restricted-access content page.
The two files will be fully functional, and may also be further customized to suit each website's specific needs.
RMV Code Generation Wizard
Subscription vs. Order subscription or order history
If subscription is selected, the customer must have a current subscription to the required product(s) that will be specified in the next option.
If order history is selected, the customer must have a record of having purchased the required product(s) that will be specified in the next option. Additionally, when order history is selected, two follow up options will be added to the page.
Require Authorization YES or NO
If this option is set to YES, then the customer's order of the specified product must also have already been authorized. If the order has not yet been authorized, the customer will not be allowed access.
If this option is set to NO, then the customer will be allowed access as long as the specified product has been ordered, and the order's authorization status will not prevent the customer from accessing the restricted content.
Require Payment YES or NO
If this option is set to YES, then the customer's order of the specified product must also have already been paid. If the order has not yet been paid, the customer will not be allowed access.
If this option is set to NO, then the customer will be allowed access as long as the specified product has been ordered, and the order's payment status will not prevent the customer from accessing the restricted content.
Required Products comma-separated list of products
This option is used to specify the product(s) for which the customer must have a subscription or order history. One or more product SID numbers may be entered in the text field. If multiple SID numbers are entered, each number should be separated by a comma.

The Search button may be used to open a popup window to search for the desired products. In the Search Products popup window, enter a word or phrase to search for, then browse through the Search Results and click the Select button corresponding to the desired product.
All vs. Any any one or all
If any one is selected, then the customer must have at least one of the required products in order to gain access to the restricted content.
If all is selected, then the customer must have every single required product in order to gain access to the restricted content.
Lookup Range number of days (optional)
If this option is left blank, then the customer's entire subscription or order history may be used to validate access, regardless of how long ago the order was placed, or how far in the future the subscription is due.
If a number is entered, then only a limited section of the customers subscription or order history will be used to validate access.
If a number is entered and Subscription vs. Order is set to subscription, then the customer must have a subscription to the required product(s), and the subscription must have a scheduled bill date within the number of days corresponding to the lookup range number.
If Lookup Range is set to 365 and Subscription vs. Order is set to subscription, then the customer must have a subscription to the required product(s), and the subscription's next bill date must be due within the next 365 days.

If a number is entered and Subscription vs. Order is set to order history, then the customer must have ordered the required product(s), and the order(s) must have a occurred within the past number of days corresponding to the lookup range number.
If Lookup Range is set to 45 and Subscription vs. Order is set to order history, then the customer must have ordered the required product(s), and the order(s) must have occurred within the past 45 days.
Check IP Address YES or NO
Any time a customer places an order in the storefront, the shopping cart records the IP address of the customer's computer. If the IP address has not been used before by the customer, it will be added to the customer's Recently Used IP Addresses list, which may be viewed in the Customer Editor. If the IP address has been used before by the customer, then the entry in the customer's Recently Used IP Addresses list will be updated with the date and time of the most recent activity. The IP addresses stored in the customer's Recently Used IP Addresses list may be used by the RMV system as an additional security check.
If the Check IP Address option is set to YES, then the customer's login will only be validated if all other criteria are met, and the customer's login attempt is from an IP address that matches an IP address the customer has previously used to place an order in the storeront.
If the Check IP Address option is set to NO, then the IP address of the customer's login attempt will not affect the customer's access to the restricted content.
Result Format simple or xml
If simple is selected, then the shopping cart will respond to the remote website with a simple "Y" if the login attempt is successful, or "N" if the login attempt is unsuccessful. Additionally, if errors are encountered, the shopping cart will send the error data to the remote website in the form of a pipe-delimited string.
If xml is selected, then the shopping cart's will still respond to the remote website with a simple "Y" if the login attempt is successful, or "N" if the login attempt is unsuccessful. Additionally, the shopping cart will send detailed XML data containing information about the customer's account and relevant order history or subscriptions. If errors are encountered, the shopping cart will send the error data to the remote website in a section of the XML data.
recommended reading
For more information about the XML data that will be returned if the Result Format is set to xml, the following Knowledge Base articles may be helpful:
Working with RMV XML Data
Working with RMV System Errors
Generate RMV Code
After entering the desired settings, click the Generate RMV Code button to proceed.
RMV Code Results

After the desired settings have been etered on the first page of the wizard, and the Generate RMV Code button has been clicked, the wizard will proceed to the second page, which shows the RMV Code Results.
Login Page RMV Code
The first section displays the sample code for a login page. The code may be copied from the editable text area and pasted into a file to save and upload to the remote website. Or, a file containing the sample code may be downloaded by clicking the link below the text area. The downloaded file may then be uploaded to the remote website.
Content Page RMV Code
The second section displays the sample code for a content page. The code may be copied from the editable text area and pasted into a file to save and upload to the remote website. Or, a file containing the sample code may be downloaded by clicking the link below the text area. The downloaded file may then be uploaded to the remote website.
Repeat if desired

It is possible to have multiple different restricted access areas on the remote website. For instance, each area might correspond to a different membership level, and require a different product in the subscription in order to gain access to that area.
The RMV (Remote Membership Validation) Wizard may be repeated as many times as desired, with the same or different settings each time, to create login and content page code samples for each of the restricted access areas.
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