Version 4.111027.0917 Release Notes
  Last Edited - 10/27/2011 9:17am PDT
  Category Path - Editorial > Release Notes
Release notes for Modular Merchant version 4.111027.0917
  • Administration Area
  • Order Editor
    The content of any Product Fields that were completed during the checkout process will now be displayed in the Order Editor immediately below that product's name.
  • Typos
    Projected Revenue graph table now has the correct title.
    Customer Acquisition graph table now has the correct title.
    Corrected the titles of several of the "popup" search windows.
  • Date Range Searches
    Corrected the date range of the results returned when searching by a date that "is greater than", "is less than", "starts with" and "ends with". Previously, date range searches using these criteria could include one day too many or too few.
  • Template Menus
    Improved the Template menu in the Category, Product and Vendor Editors. The menu will now always include the option to select the item's default template, even if the live Template Package doesn't include it. (For example, the "product.tpl" file will always be an option in the Product Editor's Template menu.) If the selected template file is not available, the "universal.tpl" file will simply be used instead, as usual.
  • Product Editor
    The list of categories and vendors in the Product Editor will now also include the System ID (SID) number for each one.
  • Email Queue
  • Email Address Display
    If a customer's email address is not available within the Email Queue database, the system will attempt to retrieve it from the customer's account record instead.
  • Event Engine
  • Various Event Engine Improvements
    When an Event is set to take "X"% off of the product price when a customer has that product in their basket, the product's original price will now be displayed in the basket next to the discounted price.

    When an Event is set to take "X" % off of the order total when a customer has the product in their basket, a better visual indicator has been added to highlight that the discount was applied.

    Events that apply a discount when X products by Vendor X are in the basket are now working properly.
  • Purchase History Events
    Made several improvements to the Event Engine, so that events based on the customer's Order History, and products they're subscribed to, are triggered more consistently.
  • Images
  • Default Upload Directory
    The image upload tool no longer defaults to "Upload to a New Directory". It now defaults to the first image directory in the list.
  • Uploading to a new image directory
    Uploading images to a new image directory will no longer display an erroneous warning message stating that the image directory cannot be written to by the server. Also, if the name of the new image directory is left blank, the system will create a name for it, instead of generating an error message.
  • Inventory
  • Inventory Deductions
    Fixed an issue in which the Search Inventory Objects and Inventory Editor pages would not adjust inventory levels by negative numbers.
  • Search Inventory Objects
    This page has been updated with the new, preferred method for highlighting the table rows. Instead of a click anywhere on the entire table row toggling the checkbox and highlighting the row, now it only happens when the cell containing the checkbox itself is clicked.
  • Product Attributes
  • Price Adjustments
    Product Attributes do not adjust the product's price. The erroneous "price adjustment" options have been removed from the Product Attribute editor.
  • Product Editor
  • Required Product Fields
    Fixed an issue in which creating a required Product Field would cause an error message to be displayed in the storefront if the customer didn't complete the field... even if the field hadn't been assigned to any products and/or the customer didn't even add a product with the required field to their basket.
  • Product Fields
  • Required Fields
    If a customer adds a product with Required Fields to their order using an "Add to Cart" button, they will now be sent to that product's store page and given the opportunity to complete the fields. Previously, the product would be added to the cart without the required fields and the customer would be allowed to continue shopping with an error message would be displayed at the top of the page.
  • Product Groups
  • Interface improvements
    Made several improvements and additions to the Product Group Editor page's interface and error-checking.
  • QuickCode Tags
    Updated the {FIELD-SHIP-ZIP} QuickCode Tag's javascript event handler, to help close a loophole where a shipping address' zip code could be excluded when an order is placed.
    The {IF-RESULT-BEGIN} and {IF-RESULT-END} QuickCode Tags can now be used on the storefront's category pages, within the CATEGORY-RESULTS-BLOCK tags.
    Made improvements to all QuickCode Tags when their content is being displayed within the CATEGORY-RESULTS-BLOCK. (Previously, the list of products displayed on a category page could be out of order, or repeating the last entry.)
  • Reports
  • Best Sellers
    Fixed the Best Sellers report so that the default values for the report's starting and ending dates are no longer backwards.
  • Best Sellers
    The pie graph on the Best Sellers report now loads correctly. (Previously, the graph area would be blank.)
  • Template Packages
    Fixed an issue that could cause the nonexistent UNIVERSAL-CONTENT QuickCode Tag to be displayed in red text on Category, Product and Vendor storefront pages in certain circumstances.
  • WYSIWYG Editor
    Updated the way the WYSIWYG HTML Editor manages {ELSE} QuickCode Tags, to prevent FireFox and Chrome from moving the {ELSE} QuickCode Tag to other locations in the template's source code, which could cause the template to break when it is saved.

### End of Release Notes ###

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