The data contained in each XML node must be urlencoded. For example, if you wanted the "compare_type" node to be ">" (greater than):
Wrong: <compare_type>></compare_type>
Correct: <compare_type>%3E</compare_type>
The following options can be used in the submitted XML query to specify the options to search the store's order records by:
admin_sid: The SID number of the admin submitting the query.
admin_key: The personal API Key of the admin submitting the query. (Found on the
Admin Account Editor page.)
api_key: The account-wide API Key. (Found on the
System Settings page.)
search_type: The type of search to perform. Currently only "keyword" is supported.
start_result: The number of the result to start with. "3" would start with the third result.
number_of_results: The number of results to include in the XML response.
any_vs_all: Specifies whether the results must match "all" or "any" of the search rules.
order_by: The database field by which to order the search results. Example: "".
asc_vs_desc: Whether the results should be ordered in ascending ("ASC") or descending ("DESC") order.
The search_rules section is repeated for each rule to match.
The content to match against. For example, to find all orders with a Modular Merchant email address, the recommended search string would be "".
How the search string will be compared to the search field. Options include:
*LIKE* (The database record must contain the search string.)
*NOT LIKE* (The database record must not contain the search string.)
= (The database record is equal to the search string.)
!= (The database record is not equal to the search string.)
> (The database record is greater than the search string.)
< (The database record is less than the search string.)
LIKE* (The database record starts with the search string.)
*LIKE (The database record ends with the search string.)
The database field to apply the search against. Some common options include:
product_attr_X: Search against a product attribute. Replace "X" with the attribute's SID number.
order_field_X: Search against a checkout field. Replace "X" with the field's SID number.
orders.adjustment: The value of any adjustment applied to the order's total.
aff_commission.value: The value of any affiliate commission earned.
aff_tid.aff_id: The SID of any affiliate associated with the order.
aff_commission.tid: The SID of any affiliate Tracking ID associated with the order.
orders.bill_address_1: The first line of the order's billing address.
orders.bill_address_2: The second line of the order's billing address.
orders.bill_city: The order's billing city.
orders.bill_country: The two-character ISO code of the order's billing country.
orders.bill_first_name: The first name of the order's billing address.
orders.bill_last_name: The last name of the order's billing address.
orders.bill_state: The two-character ISO code of the order's billing state.
orders.bill_zip: The order's billing zip/postal code.
orders.cmr_ip: The IP address associated with the order.
orders.cid: The SID of the customer associated with the order.
orders.digdel_password: The order's Digital Delivery password. The order's Email Address.
orders.gw_value: The order's Gift Wrapping Total.
orders.memo: The order's customer-viewable Memo.
orders.create_date: The date the order was created. (MM-DD-YYYY format) The order's SID number.
note.content: The order's Admin-Only Notes
orders.processor: The order's Order Processor (S = system, A = admin, C = customer)
orders.tax_value: The value of the order's taxes.
order_total: The order's total value.
orders.auth_date: The date the order's payment was authorized. (MM-DD-YYYY format)
orders.pay_date: The date the order's payment was received. (MM-DD-YYYY format)
orders.gateway: The order's Payment Gateway.
orders.phone_ac: The order's Phone Area Code. The order's Phone Number. The SID number(s) of the products in the order.
product_value: The value of the products in the order.
order_shipment.ship_date: The date the order's shipment(s) were shipped. (MM-DD-YYYY format)
order_shipment.ship_method_id: The SID number of the order's shipping methods(s)
order_shipment.status: The SID number of the order's shipment status.
orders.sai: The SID number of the order's shipping address.
orders.ship_address_1: The first line of the order's shipping address.
orders.ship_address_2: The second line of the order's shipping address.
orders.ship_city: The order's shipping city.
orders.ship_country: The two-character ISO code of the order's shipping country.
orders.ship_first_name: The first name of the order's shipping address.
orders.ship_last_name: The last name of the order's shipping address.
orders.ship_state: The two-character ISO code of the order's shipping state.
orders.ship_zip: The order's shipping zip/postal code.
Below are some definitions of some of the commonly used nodes of the response XML.
id: The order's SID (System ID) number.
gw_value: The value, if any, of the order's Gift Wrapping fees.
adjustment: Any adjustment that has been applied to the order's price.
cid: SID number of the customer associated with the order.
create_date: Unix timestamp of the date the order record was created.
auth_date: Unix timestamp of the date the order's funds were authorized for capture.
pay_date: Unix timestamp of the date the order's funds were captured.
processor: The system that submitted the order. C = customer, A = admin, S = software
sai: SID of the shipping address associated with the order.
reward_points_earned: The number of Reward Points, if any, earned by the order.
reward_points_spent: The number of Reward Points, if any, redeemed when the order was placed.
aff_id: The SID numbers of any affiliates associated with the order.
aff_com_id: The SID number of any affiliate commissions associated with the order.
aff_tid: The SID number of any affiliate Tracking IDs associated with the order.
aff_com_value: The values of any affiliate commissions earned by the order.
order_item_qty: The total quantity of products associated with the order.
order_item_price: The total price of all products associated with the order.
cogs: The total Cost Of Goods Sold of all products associated with the order.
msrp: The total Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price of all products associated with the order.
state_tax: The total state-level taxes associated with the order.
country_tax: The total country-level taxes associated with the order.
zip_tax: The total zip code-level taxes associated with the order.
total_tax: The total taxes associated with the order.
ship_fee_value: The total fees associated with the order's shipping methods.
prod_add_ship_value: The total product-level "additional shipping" fees associated with the products in the order.
zone_fee_value: The total zone fees associated with the order.
total_shipping: The total composite shipping fees, equal to Ship Fee + Product-level additional shipping fees + Zone Fees.
order_total: The order's total value.
response_id: The ID number of the gateway's response. Whenever possible, this number will correspond with the ID number for the response that is provided by the specific gateway.
response_text: The contents of the response that is returned by the payment gateway.
id: SID of the shipment.
order_id: The SID of the order that the shipment corresponds to.
zone_fee_value: The total zone fees associated with the shipment.
prod_add_ship_value: The total product-level "additional shipping" fees associated with the products in the shipment.
ship_fee_value: The total fees associated with the shipment's shipping method.
ship_method_id: The SID of the shipment's shipping method.
ship_date: The Unix timestamp of the date the shipment was shipped.
status: SID of the shipment's "ship status".
ship_method_name: The name of the shipment's shipping method.
ship_method_type: The agent associated with the shipment (FedEx, UPS, U.S.P.S., etc.)
ship_method_code: The agent-assigned code for the shipping method.
shipping_exempt: Whether the shipment is shipping exempt. No if zero, otherwise yes.
order_item: SID of the order item.
prod_id: SID of the product.
prod_name: Name of the product.
shipping_exempt: Whether the product is shipping exempt. No if zero, otherwise yes.
dropship_id: SID of the dropshipper associated with the product.
ship_solo: Whether the product ships by itself. No if zero, otherwise yes.
order_id: SID number of the order associated with this item.
qty: Quantity of the product.
price: Price of the product.
create_date: Unix timestamp of the date the order item was created.
shipment_id: SID of the shipment the order item belongs to.
gift_wrap: Whether the item needs to be gift wrapped. No if zero, otherwise yes.
event_id: The SID, if any, of the Event associated with this item.
cogs: The Cost Of Goods Sold of the item.
msrp: The Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price of the item.
price_adj: Any adjustment that was applied to the item's price.
checkout_field_data_sid: The ID number of the order_field_data database record that contains the checkout field data.
checkout_field_sid: The SID number of the Checkout Field. This SID number can also be found in the Search Checkout Fields section of the store's Administration Area.
content: The value that was provided by the customer in the storefront.
title: The title of the Checkout Field.
customer_field_data_sid: The ID number of the customer_field_data database record that contains the customer field data.
customer_field_sid: The SID number of the Customer Field. This SID number can also be found in the Search Customer Fields section of the store's Administration Area.
content: The value that was provided by the customer in the storefront.
title: The title of the Customer Field.
customer_attribute_data_sid: The ID number of the customer_attr_data database record that contains the customer attribute data.
customer_field_sid: The SID number of the Customer Attribute. This SID number can also be found in the Search Customer Attribute section of the store's Administration Area.
content: The value that was entered by a store Administrator.
title: The title of the Customer Field.