Buy X products, get the lowest priced one free
  Last Edited - 11/8/2012 2:06pm PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Event Engine > FAQs & Tutorials
This tutorial describes the steps to make the lowest priced product in the customer's basket free when they purchase a number of other products in the same category.

  • When a customer adds X number of products from a specified category, a discount equal to the lowest priced product in the basket is applied to the order's total.
  • If the customer removes the products from the basket, then the discount is also automatically removed.
To replicate this type of functionality in your store, use the Event Engine Editor to create an event with the following Triggers and Results:

General Information
In the General Information section, set the desired Event Name, Start Date, End Date, and any other desired settings for the event.

The event's trigger(s) should be set up as follows.

trigger 1 of 1
Type: category
Details: When 3 or more unit(s) of products in the category SID 123 are in the customer's basket

In the example above, change "3" to the desired number of products from the specified category that must be present in the customer's basket.
Change "123" to the SID of the category that the products in the basket must belong to in order to trigger the event.

The event's result(s) should be set up as follows.

result 1 of 1
Type: order pricing
Details: The  order grand total is decreased the amount of 1 least expensive products in the basket

When the event is triggered, it will result in a discount being applied to the order that is equal to value of the least expensive product in the basket.

Note: The discount will be equal to the least expensive product in the basket, no matter what category that product belongs to.
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