Version 4.120110.1242 Release Notes
  Last Edited - 01/10/2012 12:42pm PST
  Category Path - Editorial > Release Notes
Release notes for Modular Merchant version 4.120110.1242
  • 3rd-Party Integration
  • Custom Scripts
    Improved the system that triggers custom scripts when orders are placed when using an off-site payment gateway, such as PayPal. (Previously, custom scripts that run after an order is placed would not be triggered if the order was placed using an off-site payment gateway.)
  • USPS Shipping Rates
    Improved the conversion of the order weight from metric to US standard within the API that the store uses to retrieve shipping rates from USPS.
  • USPS Shipping Rates
    Added 17 more international USPS shipping rates. Also fixed an issue that could prevent international shipping rates from being returned from USPS under some circumstances.
  • Administration Area
  • Customer Editor
    Improved the rules on the Customer Editor page to prevent unauthorized Admins from being able to view credit card numbers.
  • Search Orders
    On the Search Orders page, removed the option to search against "Active (Y/N)". Orders do not have an "active" status, so searching by this criteria would display an error on the page. This selection has been removed from the list of search options.
  • Best Sellers Report
    Fixed an issue that would cause a warning message to be displayed on the Best Sellers Report page the very first time it was viewed.
  • Projected Revenue Report
    Fixed an issue that would cause a warning message to be displayed on the Projected Revenue Report page the very first time it was viewed.
  • Sales Tax Report
    Fixed an issue that would cause a warning message to be displayed on the Sales Tax Report page the very first time it was viewed.
  • Traffic Statistics Report
    Improved the way that the Webalizer traffic statistics are handled in some hosting configurations.
  • System Settings
    Addressed an issue that could cause the store to attempt to BCC emails to the email address "array" when System Setting 57, "Blind Carbon Copy all emails generated by the system to the following email addresses," was being used.
  • Royalties Report
    Fixed the formatting of the date in the spreadsheet that can be exported from the Royalties Report. The "span" tags that were present around the dates in the spreadsheet have been removed.
  • Category Editor
    Fixed an issue that would display a warning message on the Category Editor page when creating the very first category in the store. (The warning stated "invalid argument provided foreach".)
  • Account Setup Wizard
    Updated the Account Setup Wizard so that a message related to account's free trial period is removed after the account has been activated.
  • Search Vendors
    On the Search Vendors page, sorting the list of Vendors by the # of Products or Vendor Name columns will no longer cause an error message to be displayed.
  • Subscription Editor
    The interface for the Payment Information section of the Subscription Editor has been updated. It should be much easier to add and edit credit cards for a customer's subscription.
  • Customer Editor
    The list of the customer's credit cards in the Customer Editor now indicates which credit card, if any, is assigned to the customer's subscription.
  • Place an Order tool
    The list of the customer's credit cards on step four of the Place an Order tool will indicate which credit card, if any, is assigned to the customer's subscription.
  • Custom Webpage Editor
    Added an option to the editor in the Administration Area's [Design > Add a Custom Webpage] page to switch between the WYSIWYG editor and an "old school" plain text editor. The link to toggle between the two versions is located in the "Custom Webpage Editor" table's header bar.
  • Admin Home Page
    The Subscriptions table on the Admin Home page will now only be displayed if there's any subscriptions in the store records.
  • Event Engine
    Added some more options to the Upload a Coupon Batch tool. The tool can now be used to create Events that discount an order's product subtotal. The discounts can now also be equal to the X least/most expensive products in the order. The documentation at has also been updated with information on the new upload options.
  • Custom QuickCode Editor
    Added an option to the editor in the Administration Area's [Design > Add a Custom QuickCode Tag] page to switch between the WYSIWYG editor and an "old school" plain text editor. The link to toggle between the two versions is located in the "Custom QuickCode Tag Editor" table's header bar.
  • Product Editor options
    New options have been added to the Product Editor. Each product can now be set to Allow Reviews and Allow Wish Lists. If a product's Allow Reviews option is set to "NO", then the product will not be eligible to be reviewed by customers, even if the Reviews module is enabled. Similarly, if a product's Allow Wish Lists option is set to "NO", then the product will not be eligible to be added to wish lists by customers, even if the Wish Lists module is enabled.
  • Digital Delivery
  • Scanning File Storage Areas
    Fixed an issue in which any Digital Objects, that were created by scanning the store's default "digital_objects" directory, would be saved with the wrong file path. (The file page would be missing the "digital_objects/" directory.)
  • Kindle/Nook wireless delivery
    Developing support to automatically and wirelessly distribute ebooks directly to the customers' Kindle and Nook devices.
  • QuickCode Tags
    Added two new QuickCode Tags: {BEST-SELLERS-BLOCK-BEGIN} and {BEST-SELLERS-BLOCK-END}. They can be used to display a list of your store's best selling products. Any content placed between them will be repeated once for each of your best selling products. For details and instructions on their use, refer to the following QuickCode Tag Glossary entry:
  • Storefront
  • Product Attributes
    Product Attributes set to be "internal only" will no longer be displayed on the product info page in the storefront.
  • System Settings
  • Purge Expired Credit Cards
    Added a system setting to optionally purge expired credit cards from the list of available credit cards that customers can create in the Customer Account area. Only expired credit cards that are not assigned to a subscription will be purged. This affects only the list of available credit cards that the customer is presented with during the checkout process. The credit card data optionally available within the Order Editor will not be deleted.
  • Universal Template
  • Link to jQuery
    Updated the link to Google's jQuery JavaScript library that is used by the shopping cart's Administration Area and storefront to prevent a security warning that could be triggered when viewing a page in a secure "https" environment. (Previously, the link to Google's jQuery file could have remained an "http" link, even when the page was rendered as "https", which would trigger a warning message in some web browsers.)
  • Checkout Receipt Template
    The table cell that contains the Print a receipt link now has the NO-WRAP CSS style applied to it. The NO-WRAP CSS style is found in the Universal template system's universal.css file.

### End of Release Notes ###

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