Change for annual and semi-annual billing in 2012
  Last Edited - 01/20/2012 4:56pm PST
  Category Path - Editorial > Bulletins
In 2012, Modular Merchant will be changing to a monthly billing schedule for most products. Clients who previously were on an annual or semi-annual billing schedule for these will be changed to monthly.

The following products will remain on an annual billing cycle:
- SSL Certificates
- PCI Compliance Concierge Service
- Advanced Firewall Hardware

All other products will switch to monthly billing on their next scheduled bill date. For example, if a client's software subscription was previously on an annual schedule and their most recent annual payment was made on November 1st, 2011, then their next invoice will be processed on November 1st, 2012, and their subscription will switch to monthly billing on that date.

This change will greatly improve our ability to perform service subscription upgrades, downgrades and mid-term refunds. Thank you for your understanding.

As always, if you have any questions on this topic, just let us know.
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