Release notes for Modular Merchant version 4.120229.1024
3rd-Party Integration
Encrypt Text API
Added an API that can be used to retrieve an encrypted version of a text string. See the API's documentation at:
Decrypt Text API
Added an API that can be used to retrieve a decrypted version of a text string. See the API's documentation at:
Administration Area
HTML Template Editor
The template source code displayed in the Plain Text version of the HTML Template Editor will no longer display the full website path to images, JavaScript, CSS and other embedded items. The paths should be the same as they would be when working on the templates in an HTML Editor such as Dreamweaver.
Product Editor
Fixed several issues related to the "product restrictions" options in the Product Editor, including:
1. The Restrict Quantity option is no longer connected to the Min/Max Quantity option. They are now two separate options.
2. The Restrict Quantity option setting will now be retained when the product is saved.
3. Setting Restrict Quantity to "NO" will no longer cause Min/Max Quantity to each be reset to zero.
Product Editor
Fixed an issue where a phantom Digital Object with SID zero could become attached to new products that are created.
Order Editor
Applying a refund to an order will now recalculate the grand total displayed in the Order Editor when the refund is submitted. (Previously, the Order Editor would need to be manually saved once in order for the refund's adjustment to be applied to the grand total displayed on the page.)
Place an Order tool
Fixed an issue in which the Place an Order tool wasn't allowing store Admins to place orders for inactive products, and another where Event-powered discounts weren't being applied to inactive products.
Search Categories
Fixed an issue in which the list of a categories "parent categories" could be excluded from the search results on the Search Categories page when performing certain types of searches. The list of each category's "parent categories" should now always be listed on the page.
Product Editor
Fixed an issue that would prevent certain types of Product Attributes from retaining their settings in the Product Editor. The affected Product Attribute types include: checkbox, dropdown menu, list (single), list (multiple) and radio buttons.
Import/Export Center
Addressed several issues related to the importing and exporting of taxes:
1. Improved the contents of the Sample Tax Spreadsheets that are displayed on the first step of importing taxes.
2. Improved the Field Description for the Tax Zones column, which is displayed when importing taxes or setting the import/export preferences.
3. When exporting taxes, the Tax Zones column in the spreadsheet will no longer be split into three sub-columns.
4. The documentation now better explains that, when importing state-level Tax Zones, the imported state data must be formatted as: the state's two-character ISO code, followed by an underscore, followed by the two-character ISO code of the country that the state is in.
State Menu
The contents of the state menus throughout the store's Administration Area will now be in alphabetical order. (Previously, the state menus were being alphabetized by the state's ISO code, instead of by state name.)
Inventory Object Editor
Added a field to the Inventory Object Editor titled Associated Products. This field contains a comma-separated list of all of the products associated with the Inventory Object. It can be edited to add or remove products from it.
Product Editor
Added a link to option #1 in the Product Editor that will open the product's storefront page in a new browser window.
QuickCode Tags
Duplication of content in Custom QuickCode Tags
The storefront's template parsing system will now evaluate the contents of any Custom QuickCode Tags when determining if any required content is missing from the template and, if so, adding it to the template's source code when the template is rendered in the storefront. Previously, extra copies of certain items could be accidentally added if the item was located in a Custom QuickCode Tag, instead of in the template. These items include: the {INCLUDE-JAVASCRIPT-FILES} QuickCode Tag, a link to Google's jQuery library and a link to the universal.css CSS file.
Updated the {FIELD-PRODUCT-QUANTITY} QuickCode Tag with the following improvements:
1. When used on the storefront page of a product that has a Restricted Quantity, its Quantity text field will be replaced by a hidden form field. This will prevent the customer from editing the quantity of a product with Restricted Quantity.
2. If a product has a Minimum Quantity, then that value will be entered in the Quantity field when the tag is used on the product's storefront page. (Previously, "1" would be the Quantity field's default value, even if the product's Minimum Quantity was greater than one.)
Paying with Customer Credit Account
Fixed an issue in which orders placed by customers using a Customer Credit Account would incorrectly be recorded as "paid" instead of "unpaid" in some store configurations.
Support for "empty" variable
Including the variable "empty=Y" in a link will empty the customer's basket before adding any new products to it (if any). This feature was present in version 3, and now its functionality has been replicated in MMv4.
### End of Release Notes ### |