This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 vendor database table.
- id
Primary Key of the table.
int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
- name
The name of the vendor.
varchar(255) | indexed
- address_1
The first line of the vendor's address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- address_2
The second line of the vendor's address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- city
The city of the vendor's address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- state
The two-character ISO code for the state of the vendor's address, followed by the two-character ISO code for that state's country.
varchar(255) | indexed | Format: State-ISO_Country-ISO (Example: OR_US)
- zip
The zip code of the vendor's address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- country
The two-character ISO code for the country of the vendor's address.
varchar(255) | indexed
- phone_ac
The area code of vendor's primary phone number.
varchar(255) | indexed
- phone
The vendor's primary phone number.
varchar(255) | indexed
- email
The primary email address associated with the vendor.
varchar(255) | indexed
- website_url
Contains the URL of a web page of a vendor's non-store website.
varchar(255) | indexed
- seo_url_text
Any URL entered in this field will be used in the URL of the vendor's storefront page. If empty, the system will attempt to use the vendor's name instead.
varchar(255) | indexed
- store_page
Contains the URL of a web page to be used instead of the default vendor page created by the shopping cart. If left blank, the default vendor page in the storefront will be used.
varchar(255) | indexed
- template
The template to be applied to the default vendor page in the storefront created by the shopping cart software.
varchar(255) | indexed
- active
If this field contains a value greater than zero, then the vendor is inactive. Only active vendors are displayed in the storefront.
int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 1 | indexed
- display_order
The order in which the vendor is displayed within lists in relation to other vendors.
int(10) | unsigned | indexed
- href_target
Specifies whether the links to the vendor store page should open in the same browser window or a new one.
varchar(255) | indexed
- image
The image associated with the vendor.
varchar(255) | indexed
- description
A text/HTML description of the vendor. QuickCode Tags may be used to display the vendor's description in the storefront.
- notes
Internal-only notes about the vendor. These notes are viewable only in the store's administration area, and are never displayed to customers.