vendor DB Table
  Last Edited - 06/18/2010 10:08am PDT
  Category Path - Developer's Guide > Database Structure
This article outlines the database structure for the MMv4 vendor database table.

  • id
    Primary Key of the table.
    int(10) | unsigned | auto increment | primary key | indexed
  • name
    The name of the vendor.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • address_1
    The first line of the vendor's address.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • address_2
    The second line of the vendor's address.

    varchar(255) | indexed
  • city
    The city of the vendor's address.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • state
    The two-character ISO code for the state of the vendor's address, followed by the two-character ISO code for that state's country.
    varchar(255) | indexed | Format: State-ISO_Country-ISO (Example: OR_US)
  • zip
    The zip code of the
    vendor's address.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • country
    The two-character ISO code for the country of the
    vendor's address.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • phone_ac
    The area code of
    vendor's primary phone number.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • phone
    vendor's primary phone number.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • email
    The primary email address associated with the vendor.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • website_url
    Contains the URL of a web page of a vendor's non-store website.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • seo_url_text
    Any URL entered in this field will be used in the URL of the vendor's storefront page. If empty, the system will attempt to use the vendor's name instead.
    | indexed
  • store_page
    Contains the URL of a web page to be used instead of the default vendor page created by the shopping cart. If left blank, the default vendor page in the storefront will be used.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • template
    The template to be applied to the default vendor page in the storefront created by the shopping cart software.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • active
    If this field contains a value greater than zero, then the vendor is inactive. Only active vendors are displayed in the storefront.
    int(10) | unsigned | Values: 0/timestamp | Default: 1 | indexed
  • display_order
    The order in which the vendor is displayed within lists in relation to other vendors.
    int(10) | unsigned | indexed
  • href_target
    Specifies whether the links to the vendor store page should open in the same browser window or a new one.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • image
    The image associated with the vendor.
    varchar(255) | indexed
  • description
    A text/HTML description of the vendor. QuickCode Tags may be used to display the vendor's description in the storefront.
  • notes
    Internal-only notes about the vendor. These notes are viewable only in the store's administration area, and are never displayed to customers.


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