Create tiered volume discounts for all products in a category
  Last Edited - 06/24/2013 3:37pm PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Event Engine > FAQs & Tutorials
Using the Event Engine, it is possible to create a series of events to provide tiered volume discounts for all products in a specific category.

Orders with greater product quantities would trigger more events in the series, and so receive a greater total discount. When an order that contains the minimum product quantity to qualify for the first tier of the discount, the first event would trigger and would apply the first discount. When an order that contains the minimum product quantity to qualify for the second tier of the discount, the first and second events would both trigger and the combination of the first event discount and the second event discount would result in a greater discount for the second tier. And so on....

In this example, a series of five events will provide a volume discount of $1.00 off per dozen products, up to $5.00 off, across all products in category SID 123.

First Event:
When this Event is triggered Continue processing Events
Event Type Automated Events
Event Name Category 123 bulk discount tier 1
Public NO
Start Date current date (default setting)
End Date Never expires
Active YES
Redeem Limit Event may be redeemed an unlimited number of times
Reusable YES
Retain Balance NO
How to apply the Triggers below Match ALL the triggers below.
Trigger Type category
Trigger Details
When 12 or more unit(s) of products in the category SID 123 are in the customer's basket
Result Type product pricing
Result Details The price of products in category SID 123 is decreased 1.00 dollars

Second Event:
All options the same as above, except
Event Name Category 123 bulk discount tier 2
Trigger Details
When 24 or more unit(s) of products in the category SID 123 are in the customer's basket

Third Event:
All options the same as above, except
Event Name Category 123 bulk discount tier 3
Trigger Details
When 36 or more unit(s) of products in the category SID 123 are in the customer's basket

Fourth Event:
All options the same as above, except
Event Name Category 123 bulk discount tier 4
Trigger Details
When 48 or more unit(s) of products in the category SID 123 are in the customer's basket

Fifth Event:
All options the same as above, except
Event Name Category 123 bulk discount tier 5
Trigger Details
When 60 or more unit(s) of products in the category SID 123 are in the customer's basket

With the above rules, when an order containing less than 12 total units of products from category SID 123, no discount will be applied.

When an order containing 12 to 23 total units of products from category SID 123 is placed, the first event will be triggered and a $1.00 discount will be applied to all of the products from category SID 123 in that order.

When an order containing 24 to 35 total units of products from category SID 123 is placed, the first event will be triggered and a $1.00 discount will be applied to all of the products from category SID 123 in that order, and the second event will also be triggered and an additional $1.00 discount will be applied to all of the products from category SID 123 in that order, for a total discount of $2.00.

As more and more units are added to an order, the additional events will be triggered, until all five events have been triggered. At that point, the maximum discount of $5.00 off will be applied to the order, and no matter how many more units are added to the order, the volume discount will not increase above $5.00.
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