Save X on orders over $Y
  Last Edited - 12/31/2012 9:39am PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Event Engine > FAQs & Tutorials
This tutorial describes the steps to give a discount on orders in which the order value meets a specified threshold. The discount could be a percentage of the order value, or a flat dollar amount.

Is it possible to offer my customers a discount of 5% on orders over $30.00?
Yes! The Event Engine is capable of creating a wide variety of discounts, including discounts in a certain percentage or dollar amount, for orders that meet a specified value threshold.

  • When a customer's order total surpasses the specified value, a discount will be applied to the order.
  • If the customer's order total falls back down below the specified value, the discount will be removed.
To replicate this type of functionality in your store, use the Event Engine Editor to create an event with the following Triggers and Results:

The event's trigger(s) should be set up as follows:

trigger 1 of 1
Trigger Type: basket
Trigger Details: The basket grand total is greater than $30.00

The event's result(s) should be set up as follows:

result 1 of 1
Result Type: order pricing
Result Details: The order grand total is decreased the amount of 5 percent

In the example above, you may change "percent" to "dollars" to suit the needs of different promotional scenarios.

To allow this event to be reused by the same customer, toggle the Reusable option to "YES".
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