Upgrading your Modular Merchant Account Plan
  Last Edited - 11/26/2013 10:55am PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components
I want to upgrade my account plan from Gold to Platinum. How/where do I do this in the Administration Area?

Upgrading the Modular Merchant Account Plan can be done within your Administration Area, through the following:

1. Locate [Admin > Manage Modular Merchant Account].
2. Under Product Subscription, for the Account Plan option, select the new plan from the dropdown.

Use the dropdown to select the new Account Plan.
The Modular Merchant Pricing page can be used to determine which Account Plan will best suit your company's needs!
When upgrading an Account Plan, the change in plan will take place immediately. If the Account Plan is being downgraded, the change will take place after the account's next invoice is processed.

3. Click Update Billing Information.
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