Version 13.0430 Release Notes
  Last Edited - 04/30/2013 1:36pm PDT
  Category Path - Editorial > Release Notes
Release notes for Modular Merchant version 13.0430
  • Storefront
  • Customer Account Area
    Fixed an issue in which the wrong shipping address would be displayed sometimes in the Customer Account area for customers with multiple subscriptions that are each shipped to a different address. (Previously, the first ship address would be repeated for each of their subscriptions.)
  • Tax Calculation
    Fixed an issue in which taxes wouldn't be applied to an order if the tax was based on the customer's shipping address, but the order didn't require shipping. (In that case, the customer's billing address should be used to calculate the order's tax.)
  • Tax Calculation
    Fixed an issue which could prevent an order's taxes from being recalculated if a customer made multiple changes to their state and country during the checkout process.
  • Store Home Page
    Made some further improvements to the formatting of the storefront's home page. Also addresses an issue in which some variables like "retain_messages=Y" could be displayed in the webpage address of the storefront's home page, depending on the URL that was used in the incoming link.
  • Universal Template
  • Checkout Template
    Reformatted the phone field in the Universal version of the checkout page's template.
  • CSS Styles
    The CSS styles used by the Universal template system have been updated with the following:
     - The size of the email text fields have been increased from size "30" to size "50".
     - Textarea inputs (multi-line text fields) will now expand to be as wide as possible.
     - Text fields created by custom Checkout and Customer fields will now be set to the same width as the rest of the text fields. (Previously, they were not as wide.)

### End of Release Notes ###

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