Search Keywords (Product Editor Field)
  Last Edited - 06/4/2013 4:44pm PDT
  Category Path - Glossary
The Search Keywords field is used to input a comma-separated list of keywords that will be referenced by the storefront's built-in search engine. The keywords entered in this field are never revealed to customers or displayed publicly in the storefront. Search keywords are not case-sensitive.

My new product, Potato, has the following keywords:

Search Keywords set for the Potato product.

Searching for any of these keywords will result in the Potato product.

Both searches, for Potato or Solanaceous, will bring forth the Potato.

solanaceous [ˌsɒləˈneɪʃəs] adj -- of, relating to, or belonging to the Solanaceae, a family
of plants having typically tubular flowers with reflexed petals, protruding anthers, and
often poisonous or narcotic properties: includes the potato, tobacco, henbane,
mandrake, and several nightshades.
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