Redirect Manager
  Last Edited - 01/9/2014 10:21am PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Admin
The 301 Redirect Manager, located in your account through [Hosting > Manage 301 Redirects], is used to create a series of 301 redirect rules for your store.

A 301 redirect is a way of telling search engines that a webpage has been permanently moved to another location. 301 redirects are used to forward outdated (non-existing) URLs to their current web address. It is useful if you have changed the structure of your websites URLs. These redirects behave exactly the same as 301 redirects that would be used in .htaccess files, and even use the same syntax.
Using the Redirect Manager

Enter one redirect rule per line in the Redirect Rules. If no redirect rules have yet been set, a sample one will be provided to help get you started.

The basic code for redirecting is: Redirect old_location new_location

The old location of the file is the "local" path to that file on the website.
(such as /path/to/file/file.html)

The new location should be a "global" URL starting with "http".
(such as

If you want to redirect a file called old.php to new.php you would use:

Redirect /path/to/file/old.php

/path/to/file/old.php will be redirected to
/path/to/file/red_fruit.php will be redirected to

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