Version 13.0627 Release Notes
  Last Edited - 06/27/2013 10:55am PDT
  Category Path - Editorial > Release Notes
Release notes for Modular Merchant version 13.0627
  • Administration Area
  • Custom Webpages
    Fixed an issue in which the dollar sign character ($) could be stripped from the content of Custom Webpages in some cases. (This would happen if the content of a Custom Webpage contained a dollar sign followed by a number, and the page had a template assigned to it.)
  • Search Products
    On the Search Products page, the option to search by a product's shipping exemption status now works correctly. (Previously, the results that were returned would be the opposite of what was expected.)
  • QuickCode Tags
  • Subscription Product Tags
    Made corrections to a couple of QuickCode Tags that are used in the display of subscriptions in the Customer Account Area. The {PRODUCT-PRICE-SUFFIX} and {ORDER-PAY-METHOD} tags now work in the listing of the customer's subscription.
  • Storefront
  • Checkout
    Fixed an issue in which changes made to the name or street address of a preexisting shipping address on the checkout page wouldn't be saved unless the ship address' zip code, state or country were also changed. (Now, changes made to the name or street address on the checkout page will be saved, even if these are the only items that are changed.)
  • Digital Delivery
    Made some improvements to the data processing that's performed when the store's digital delivery page connects to locally hosted downloads.
  • Subscriptions
  • Subscription Processing
    Updated the subscription processing system to prevent this potential problem:
    1. Customer has subscription, several months overdue, on hold.
    2. Customer places a new order for the product in the storefront, thus creating a second, separate copy of the product in their subscription.
    3. Since the old copy of the product that's on hold has an older bill date, that one is processed when the subscription becomes due, instead of the new one.
    4. Processing the old one also takes it off hold, and so it continues to rebill repeatedly until caught up to the current date.

### End of Release Notes ###

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