Product Price
  Last Edited - 11/26/2013 10:40am PST
  Category Path - Glossary
The actual product price is the amount that is currently charged for each unit of the product. The product's actual price is calculated based on the product's Price setting, the product's Sale Price setting, and the results of the store's active events.
  1. Does the product have a Sale Price set?
    If the product does have a Sale Price set, then the Sale Price value will be used as the base price.
    If the product does not have a Sale Price set, then the Price value will be used as the base price.
  2. Do any active events have a result that applies to the product's price?
    If any active events have a result that affects the product's price, the event result rules will be applied to the base price.
  3. After the base price has been determined and any event results have been applied, the final result is the product's current actual price.
The value of a product's actual price may be displayed in the storefront by adding the {PRODUCT-PRICE} QuickCode Tag to the desired location in the corresponding storefront template.
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