Adding additional pages to the checkout process
  Last Edited - 12/18/2013 3:24pm PST
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components
I'm trying to create additional pages to add to my checkout process. How do I accomplish this?

The content of the checkout page(s) are controlled by the checkout_X.tpl template files in the Template Package. A template package starts with a one-page checkout, with a corresponding "checkout_1.tpl" template.

To add more checkout pages, add "checkout_X.tpl" template files in the Template Package.

To add a second page to the checkout process, add a "checkout_2.tpl" file to the template package.

Using the Template Package Sandbox, it would be possible to edit an existing template (such as checkout_1.tpl), and save the edited template as a brand new one. This would be a quick way to create "checkout_X.tpl" templates.

The store's checkout.php page will load the checkout_1.tpl content first. Then it will continue from one template to the next, in numerical order, when a form on the page is submitted. This allows you to create an unlimited number of checkout pages by making their corresponding checkout_X.tpl templates.

exception to the rule
The transition from one template to the next will stop as soon as the credit card fields are submitted. No matter how many templates may be in the chain, as soon as a checkout.php page containing credit card fields is submitted, the store will consider this as a signal to complete the transaction, and will complete the order and skip to the receipt page.
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