Event Engine Module's home page
  Last Edited - 10/29/2012 1:39pm PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Event Engine
An Event is an action that occurs in the store that can be used to trigger a variety of behaviors in the storefront, including sale prices, discounts, bonus products, autoresponders, and much more.


The Event Engine Module home page is a list of the major sections of the store's event engine system. The sections of the module are as follows:


Event Engine


Event Engine Module Settings
These settings control the behavior of the module in your store. Use these settings to customize how the Event Engine module functions in the store.

Event Engine Editor
Use this tool to create a event or edit an existing event. Includes options to name the event, select its triggers and specify the results.

Create a Coupon Batch
This tool will create a unique coupon code for a batch of customers. Each event created will have a unique random coupon ID code. Information about the coupons you create may also be emailed to the batch of customers.

Search All Events
Search all the events currently running in your store; those that do and don't require a coupon code.

Search Coupon-Driven Events
Search only the events in your store that have a Coupon Code associated with them.

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