Search Products
  Last Edited - 06/18/2013 2:34pm PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Products
The Search Products page displays the products currently present in the store.

By default, products are sorted by their display order. An alternate method of sorting may be selected by clicking the up or down arrow in the heading of the desired column. The columns displayed in this search page may be customized by clicking Customizing Table Columns and selecting which columns will be displayed and which will not.

Search Products

The Search Products section provides options to apply search rules to filter which products are displayed.

The Search Products title bar includes two dropdown menus, with the following options:

Search for: all Products -OR- Products that match rules below
If all Products is selected, all of the store's products will be displayed in the Product Search results. If Products that match rules below is selected, the Search Rules options will appear in the Search Products section of the page.

with 25 -OR- 50 -OR- 100 -OR- 200 -OR- 300 -OR- 400 -OR- 500 results per page
This option may be adjusted to determine how many products will be displayed at once in the Product Search results. If there are multiple pages of search results, page numbers will be added just below the bottom right corner of the Product Search results table, to navigate from page to page.

Search Rules
Each search rule consists of three options:

  1. A dropdown menu to choose the type of data to search for
  2. A dropdown menu to choose the type of comparison to apply
  3. A text field to enter the target value
Search Products Columns

Displays the active status of the product . The green dot signifies "Active".  The Red "X" signifies "Inactive". Click this icon to toggle the active status. Active products will be viewable to customers in the storefront, whereas Inactive products will not be visible via the storefront pages.

Add to Cart Links
Opens a popup window containing a list of all "Add to Cart" links associated with the product. "Add to Cart" links can be used on remote websites, or directly within the storefront.  "Add to Cart" links are created automatically when a product is created.  More info on "Add to Cart" links can be found in the article: Using "Add to Cart" links on your website.

Adjust # Available
Use this field to adjust the current # of Product Available by a specific amount. For example: to add 1 unit of inventory to the product, enter "1" into this field.

Affiliate Commission Max
Displays the maximum amount of commission that an affiliate can earn in a single sale of the product.  Set in the Product Editor.

Affiliate Commission Value
Displays the amount of commission an affiliate will earn for sales of the product. Set in the Product Editor.

Click the  icon to create a new, identical product based on a current product.  This is a useful tool for quickly creating new products that are similar to each other.

(Cost Of Goods Sold).  Used to display the COGS that have been set for this product in the Product Editor.

Create Date
Display the date that product was created.

Custom Product Attributes
If there are any custom product attributes, they will be displayed here. Each attribute will have its own column.

Custom Product Fields
If there are any custom product attributes, they will be displayed here. Each attribute will have its own column.

The size dimensions of the product.  Set in the Product Editor.

The display order is used to designate the order that products are displayed in the storefront.  Lower numbers are displayed first. 

Edit Date
Display the date of the most recent edit to the product.

Edit this Product
Click on the SID number or    link, to go to the Product Editor page, where the product can be edited.

Displays if product is a featured product. Featured products appear on the storefront page.  Set in the Product Editor.

Gift Wrap Fee
Display the amount the gift wrapping option will add to this product's price, if selected by the customer. Set in the Product Editor.

Gift Wrap?
Displays if the product offers gift wrapping as an option during the checkout process. If gift wrapping is available, a checkbox will be displayed to the customer during checkout; allowing the customer to select gift wrapping.  Set in the Product Editor.

If the product has any images, an icon-sized thumbnail of the primary product image will be displayed in this column. Clicking on the icon (or on the empty cell if the product does not have any images) will open the product in the Product Editor.

Inventory Objects
This refers to the amount of inventory objects associated with this product. If the product is a part of a group, the inventory objects will be more than 1.  Clicking on this number will display all of the Inventory Objects associated with this product and allow to  the inventory objects to be modified.

Is Searchable
Displays if the product will be included with search search results in the storefront.  Set in the Product Editor.

Is Hidden
Displays if the product is hidden from the storefront or not. If the product is hidden, it will not be viewable in the storefront or included in search results.  Set in the Product Editor.

This will display a list of all the keywords associated with the product. Clicking the link will open a popup window containing all of the keywords associated with this product. Set in the Product Editor.

Link Target
This option controls how the product link for this product will behave when the customer clicks links to it from within the storefront.

Maximum Quantity
Displays the maximum quantity a customer can purchase in an order. Set in the Product Editor.

Minimum Quantity
Displays the minimum quantity a customer needs to purchase for this product.  Set in the Product Editor.

(Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price).  This displays the MSRP that has been set for this product in the Product Editor.

Notes are hidden and displayed to store administrators only.  Click on the number to view/edit the note or to add a new note.

# of Categories
Displays the number of categories that are associated with this product, which is set in the Product Editor. Click the number to view all of the categories associated with this product. Note: a product should be associated with at least one category in order to display properly in the storefront pages.

# of Digital Objects
This will display the number of digital objects (downloadable files) associated with the product. Digital objects are set within the Product Editor. Click the number to view all of the digital objects associated with this product.

# of Product Available
This will display the amount of inventory currently assigned to the product. This amount can be modified in this field as well as within the Product Editor. Note: The number in this field reflects the amount of product that is current in inventory, including if the product is a part of a group of products.

# of Subs
Displays the number of active subscriptions to this product.

# of Unused Serial Numbers
This will display the number of unused serial numbers that are associated with this product. Serial Numbers are set in the Product Editor.

# of Vendors
Displays the number of vendors that are associated with this product, which is set in the Product Editor. Click the number to view all of the vendors associated with this product. Note: a product should be associated with at least one vendor in order to display properly in the storefront pages.

# Sold
This column displays the number of units of the product that have been sold.

Part Number
This will display the Part Number (previously known as SKU in other versions of the Modular Merchant software) that has been set for this product in the Product Editor.

This displays the current price for this product. The price can be updated either in the Search Products page, or within the Product Editor.

Product Name (Required Column)
The name of the product will be displayed in both the administration area and the storefront.

Restrict Quantity
Displays if product has any minimum or maximum purchase quantities assigned.  Set in the Product Editor.

Reviews Compatible
This column contains a clickable toggle that shows whether the product may be reviewed (the Product Reviews Module must also be enabled). The toggle reflects the current value of the Allow Reviews option in the Storefront Behavior section of the Product Editor. Clicking the toggle button will immediately change the value of the setting without any need to edit the product in the Product Editor.

Ship From Country
Similar to the Ship From Zip, except it will display the Country the product will be shipped from.

Ship From Zip
Displays the zip code the product will ship from. If no ship from zip code is entered or no dropshipper is associated with this product; the default zip code from the System Settings will be displayed here.

Ship Solo
Displays whether the product is set to ship solo or not. If this product is set to ship solo, a separate shipping method will be assigned to this product and a separate shipping menu will be displayed when a customer purchases it in the storefront.  Useful for larger or heavier products that require special shipping options.  Set in the Product Editor.

Shipping Exempt
Displays whether the product is shipping exempt or not. If this product is shipping exempt, it will not require shipping during the checkout process. Set in the Product Editor.

SID (System ID) (Required Column)
The SID (System ID) is a unique number that identifies the product to the system.  This number is set by the software and cannot be changed.

This will display the current status for this product. The product status can be modified via this drop-down menu as well as within the Product Editor.

Store Page
Click the  icon to view this product's storefront page.

Subscription Term
Displays the subscription term for this product, if applicable.  Set in the Product Editor.

Tax Exempt
Displays if product is tax exempt or not. If the product is tax exempt, the product will not have any taxes applied to it during the checkout process. Set in the Product Editor.

This is the HTML template currently assigned to the product.

The Weight of the product.  Set in the Product Editor.

Wish List Compatible
This column contains a clickable toggle that shows whether the product may be added to wish lists (the Wish List Module must also be enabled). The toggle reflects the current value of the Allow Wish Lists option in the Storefront Behavior section of the Product Editor. Clicking the toggle button will immediately change the value of the setting without any need to edit the product in the Product Editor.

 (check icon) (Required Column)
The checkboxes in this column work with the dropdown box below the table, giving you the option of making changes to one or more products simultaneously. 

Bulk Editing

take no other action
To make no changes to products, other than what is inputted in the various fields above, select take no other action.

Make Active
Multiple products can be activated by selecting the checkboxes on the right, selecting Make Active from the dropdown menu and clicking Go.

Make Inactive
Multiple products can be deactivated by selecting the checkboxes on the first right, selecting Make Inactive from the dropdown menu, and clicking Go.

add featured product status
Use this option to designate multiple products to Featured status.

remove featured product status
Use this option to remove featured status from one or more products.

make product hidden
Select this option to designate one or more products as hidden.

make product visible
Select this option to designate one or more products as visible.

make wish list compatible
Select this option to designate one or more products to be eligible for customers to add to wish lists.

make with list incompatible
Select this option to designate one or more products to be ineligible for customers to add to wish lists.

make reviews compatible
Select this option to designate one or more products to be eligible for customers to add customer reviews to.

make reviews incompatible
Select this option to designate one or more products to be ineligible for customers to add customer reviews to.

Multiple products can be cloned simultaneously.  To clone multiple products,  select the desired products on the far right, select clone in the dropdown below the table, and click Go.

If a product is no longer needed, it can be deleted.  To delete a product, select the desired product(s) on the far right, select delete in the dropdown below the table, and click Go.

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