Attach Multiple Digital Objects to a Product
  Last Edited - 06/10/2013 10:57am PDT
  Category Path - Shopping Cart Software Components > Administration Area > Modules > Digital Delivery > FAQs & Tutorials
This tutorial will provide the steps to attach one or more digital objects to a digital product. Then, when a customer purchases the product, they will gain access to download all of the objects assigned to that product.

key concept
Digital Products are the products customers purchase in the store and are created using the Product Editor. Digital products are not the actual file(s) the customers download; those are known in Modular Merchant terminology as Digital Objects.  The digital objects that have been assigned to the digital products will be available for customers to access after their orders have been completed.  Each digital product can have any number of digital objects assigned to it.

Step 1: Create the Digital Objects

First, create the digital objects. These are the files and/or websites that the customer will gain access to after they have purchased the product.
  1. Log in to your Modular Merchant account's Administration Area at:
  2. Within the Administration Area, navigate to: [Modules > Digital Delivery].
  3. In the Digital Objects section click the link to Add a Digital Object.
  4. This link opens the Digital Object Editor. Use the editor to create a digital object for each file or website that you will be attaching to the product.
  5. After all of the digital objects have been created, follow the instructions in Step 2 to attach them to the desired product(s).
Step 2: Assign the Digital Objects to a Product

  1. Once the digital objects have been created, navigate to: [Products > Search Products]. On the Search Products page, locate the desired product, and click the edit button to open it in the Product Editor.
  2. Scroll to the section of the Product Editor that is titled Digital Delivery.
  3. In the option titled Comma-separated list of this product's Digital Objects, select the digital objects that you'd like associated with this product.

    Click the Search button to the right of the text field to open a popup window to to search for the digital objects to be assigned to the product.

    Typing a single space in the Find digital objects matching: text field will cause all of the store's digital objects to be displayed in the Search Results table (this is not recommended for stores with large numbers of digital objects -- typing a specific search term is recommended instead).

    Click the Select button to the right of each digital object to be assigned.

    After selecting all of the digital objects to assign to this product, click the Close Window button. The SID numbers of the selected digital objects will now be displayed in the Comma-separated list of this product's Digital Objects text field of the Product Editor.

  4. Click the blue Save Changes button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
  5. You can confirm that the digital objects have been correctly associated with the product by reviewing the list of objects in the option titled Digital Objects currently assigned to this product.
  6. Place a test order for the product in your storefront to verify that it displays all of the selected digital objects as desired.
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